1. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Thanks @holidaychicken i certainly have some bedtime reading there!! Really appreciate all the help, really looking forward to pulling it apart and having a poke about with it, Going to try and get it all done asap as one thing I have learned about Good old LR is they don’t like sitting...
  2. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Thanks Phil, I will get a picture of that once back home today and update you, i would prefer to get all parts needed from yourself if you can supply them, your help is very much appreciated! Looking forward to getting the old girl running right
  3. V8made

    p38 diesel injectors

    maybe he cant muster up the courage to turn the key, his timing is terrible this thread was just getting interesting!
  4. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    the sunset does seem tempting right now.. still not told 'her indoors' the range needs surgery yet..... hoping she wont notice it sat on sleepers.. or the giant gearbox sat in my workroom.... next to the transfer box... or see me post off the TC..... oh i'm so dead..... oh well at least its...
  5. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    wow i leave for a few days and the thread goes nuts!!! gave me a bloody good laugh catching up though, i am not going to comment on some of @holidaychicken photos...... what you do in your spare time is up to you! back to the box.. i have ordered the tranny jack..... no thats not a stripper...
  6. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    No way! Just put 2 and 2 together, Ant I read your post about your L322, wow you had some bad luck with the old girl, I think I would have lost the plot and set fire to it in France!! Glad to see you finally got it back into the UK though! The gearbox solenoids.. I am going to sound stupid now...
  7. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    I don’t think anyone would want to watch me work the underside of the car will be very blue! If it’s anything like my old p38 every single nut and bolt put up a fight to the death! Everything had to be roasted with a blow torch and beaten into submission! I remember when I got the box out I...
  8. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Not for long! Hopefully soon it’s going to be sitting on a work bench...... or possibly my rib cage!!!:confused:
  9. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Haha, that is the golden rule with owning a Land Rover! Don’t build up your hopes, expect the worst, hope for the best and it’s usually somewhere in the middle!
  10. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Thanks, i will definitely look up the ecu issue, I just thought it was related to something in the box on its last legs, so I am a little relieved it may just need an update! Makes a change to get a pleasant surprise when your range develops a fault!
  11. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    I haven’t had the codes read yet, need to invest in a decent code reader but will take it to my local ‘specialist’ (had a REALLY bad experience with them) and have it scanned I know it will have some on there about a misfire as the previous owner ran it out of fuel just before I bought it and it...
  12. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    For the price of it I may just get the transmission jack at least then I have it for the future... going to pick up the ply wood at the weekend and think I will use sleepers, the wood yard does 20 foot long 9” by 3” for £20 a piece which seems like a bargain to me, also I have noticed the low...
  13. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Thanks for the info, sadly I have no monster to help me so may invest in the transmission jack as it’s on wheels, so far my plan is to now make ramps similar to yours as my sleepers give little boost in height, put 3/4” ply down as a floor to give me a solid base to work from and the jack will...
  14. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Ok had a good read of @holidaychicken thread... I am slightly terrified now but I am going ahead regardless my only question (as of yet) is do you think this is doable on your own, as my only assistant would be my dad who is 70 and will be purely there to supply tea, plasters and make sure I...
  15. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Thanks will have a good search later and hopefully find it, many thanks Pete
  16. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Thanks for the all the info, sorry for taking a while to get back on here but had some issue with my internet, I think i will do the same as you @holidaychicken and rebuild the gearbox as it seems if I drive for more than an hour it starts holding the low gears so could be just a block rad but...
  17. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Thanks saint for the in depth information there, I feel both reassured and terrified at the same time!:oops: think it’s a case of fluids and filter first to see how bad it looks and then decide if it’s time for a new box or just the TC, where is the best place to get a new or rebuilt TC from? I...
  18. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Thanks holidaychicken, I have just been out in it now and yes I have noticed the revs do fluctuate with the vibration, normally as soon as it vibrates I take my foot off and the vibration stops but today I held it on to see what happened:eek: thankfully nothing dropped off or blew up but it...
  19. V8made

    Range l322 strange gearbox issue

    Hi, got a strange issue with my gearbox on my l322 2004 4.4 v8, I need some advice from the legendary gearbox gurus on here, ok here goes, firstly the problem started with the occasional vibration at low speeds when accelerating gently (felt a bit like a cattle grid) however the car does not do...
  20. V8made

    Hi guys!

    Thanks guys for the welcome, think I am going to need some help soon as the 'old girl' is acting up already!:D