1. HybridGirl

    S*L*U*T*S Autumn Laning And Chips By The Sea

    Yer secrets safe wi me.. I wint say a word.;)
  2. HybridGirl

    S*L*U*T*S Autumn Laning And Chips By The Sea

    Like your gonna let her get a word in edgeways...:rolleyes:
  3. HybridGirl

    plating experts?

  4. HybridGirl

    plating experts?

    We had ourselfs another spammin twot.
  5. HybridGirl

    plating experts?

    OOOOO! Now me post looks like i'm talkin about Daft! Hehehehe!
  6. HybridGirl

    plating experts?

    Aye! More eggsitement than I cun cope wi! Am off fer a lie down..
  7. HybridGirl

    plating experts?

    OOooooo I never hit the red triangle before!
  8. HybridGirl

    plating experts?

    Wheres Birthday Boy??! Ban this tw@t!!
  9. HybridGirl

    help please

    Aww thank god fer tha!! Yer scared me there fer a minit..:o
  10. HybridGirl

    help please

    DON'T!! S'like bein 5 yrs old and bein told by yer big sister 'theres NO father christmas and NO easter bunny'!!:(
  11. HybridGirl

    help please

    Dun't larf Oddie! Tis a very well known fact that red ones dun't go up hills.
  12. HybridGirl

    help please

    Its not a red one is it?
  13. HybridGirl

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Whiskey is not an evenin wasted.;)
  14. HybridGirl

    plasma rope few questions

    S'long as it don't come wi free 'DNA' samples..:rolleyes:
  15. HybridGirl

    plasma rope few questions

    OOoo yes please Chops. Keep it to one side and i'll arrange to pick it up.;)
  16. HybridGirl

    plasma rope few questions

    Had me bath and i'm alreddy in bed.
  17. HybridGirl

    plasma rope few questions

    knobhead?! Ha! Aha! Ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaa! Yer cun be quite funny when you try..! That suprises me.
  18. HybridGirl

    plasma rope few questions

    Yer still a prick tho (wiltshire landyman)
  19. HybridGirl

    plasma rope few questions

    I remember readin a fred about lights and landies and conduit...;) :D
  20. HybridGirl

    plasma rope few questions

    Whass the point of anyone answerin you?! Yer only gonna disagree and get all argumentitititititive!:rolleyes: