
New Member
hi i have got a landrover defender 110 sw 12 seater when going up hills it loses power very quickly on straights it is perfect i can get about 60 to 70 mph, on a hill it drops to about 30 mph the turbo is ok it starts fine does not smoke at all the bloke i brought it from had driven it around on cooking oil so i change the fuel filter but that didnt cure it any suggestions would be very appreciated thanks
Fook mines puffy blue an that hates hills, thank god it aint red or it wouldn't even make it
It sounds like its a 2.5TD not the 200TDi / 300TDi if it is then it is normal for it to run out of power on hills quickly and 70 mph for a 110 2.5TD sounds about right.
It's true, mines red and hates hills
I has bin advertisin this most perilious and notorious of afflictions in me signature fer several months noo which i thort woulda killed off all trade in red ones, but clearly they are still being bought and sold!:confused:
DON'T!! S'like bein 5 yrs old and bein told by yer big sister 'theres NO father christmas and NO easter bunny'!!:(
No, there int no doubt as to whether or not they go up hills (we all kno0ws they wot the fook you onnaboot no FC and no bunny:confused: ), was smirkin coz odd2 came up with me little sig poem all by herself based on this well known fact, ah was soooo proud o her!!!
No, there int no doubt as to whether or not they go up hills (we all kno0ws they wot the fook you onnaboot no FC and no bunny:confused: ), was smirkin coz odd2 came up with me little sig poem all by herself based on this well known fact, ah was soooo proud o her!!!

Aww thank god fer tha!! Yer scared me there fer a minit..:eek:
to make it quicker would it be possible to put a 200 tdi straight into it or would i have to do major modifications to make one fit thanks
to make it quicker would it be possible to put a 200 tdi straight into it or would i have to do major modifications to make one fit thanks
No, a 200 will pretty much fit straight in! ...and it will make it MASSIVELY quicker, and get about 10 more MPG as well - well worth it conversion which will pay for itself in no time, but all depends on the quality of yer chassis and other bits as to whether it's worth doing.
thanks for that info its the first time ive bought and im prepared to spend as much as it takes because i aint getting rid of her yet the chassis is very clean no rust at all
thanks for that info its the first time ive bought and im prepared to spend as much as it takes because i aint getting rid of her yet the chassis is very clean no rust at all
This was the info i put up when i first had it done (although the is loads of actually USEFUL info out there as well if you do a quick search!)
and if yer bored (if not you soon will be!)

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