im thinking of changing my wire on my warn winch to plasma rope,i have a few querys/questions if you can help
1)some manufactures are saying i cant use my roller fairlead i have to use an aluminium hawse,is this right and is there a reason?

2)are there any major benefits of the rope over wire?

3)how do i maintain/or clean the rope?

4)any particular make to go for?

think thats it any help/advice please..ta
They wont shread your hands when theyve been used abit, my hands learned that the hard way. Winching a landy on a pice of glorified string still seems like a joke to me though.
the main reason for a rope that i acn find out is that apparantly when they snap or if they snap they simple fall to the ground and dont spring back
seems to me you enterd this thread with no intention of offering any constuctive advice but to simply instigate an argument,you didnt even enter into the discussion on the lights thread so dont see what its got to do with you.if nothing to offer then go and play somewhere else knobhead
seems to me you enterd this thread with no intention of offering any constuctive advice but to simply instigate an argument,you didnt even enter into the discussion on the lights thread so dont see what its got to do with you.if nothing to offer then go and play somewhere else knobhead

knobhead?! Ha! Aha! Ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaa! Yer cun be quite funny when you try..!

That suprises me.
ere hb , when ya finished with this fella duz ya still want that prop ? cos i'm takin a load of scrap fer weighin in .... let me know and i'll put it to one side for ya ..... no prob...
ere hb , when ya finished with this fella duz ya still want that prop ? cos i'm takin a load of scrap fer weighin in .... let me know and i'll put it to one side for ya ..... no prob...

OOoo yes please Chops. Keep it to one side and i'll arrange to pick it up.;)
Hemp? Dont you mean as a alternative to KERRs? Winching with it seems abit extreem.

when ah say hemp am being conservative ... ah actually meant a dirivative of hemp wot yer can smoke. that way yer can winch real slow and it will look like yer winchin extra fast

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