1. JC600

    Freelander TD4 2005

    Thanks, it's a genuine Land Rover accessories arm rest. Very hard to find, but they do crop up now and again.
  2. JC600

    Freelander 1 Can't connect to ECU to read codes

    Have you used battery support whilst trying to read. Most Land Rover's need over 12.75v to communicate correctly. TD4 ECU are Bosch DDE4.0.
  3. JC600

    Freelander TD4 2005

    Sorry, not posted in a while. Not done much to the Freelander lately, just run and maintain. I did have new graphics done a few days ago, and gave her a good clean, polish, wax, and interior Clean.
  4. JC600

    Freelander 1 New commercial van project

    Thanks, just try find some seats now.
  5. JC600

    Freelander 1 New commercial van project

    Hi mate, is this quite easy to do. Looking at doing something similar in mine. And do you know which seats will fit. Need recliners, as mines a 3 door. Thanks
  6. JC600

    Freelander TD4 2005

    Thanks mate.
  7. JC600

    Freelander TD4 2005

    Thanks Rob.
  8. JC600

    Freelander TD4 2005

    As I keep getting asked about Hydroclean, Terraclean, carbon clean etc........thought I'd give it ago, as he's just got a machine and doing a introductory offer....so far, I'm impressed. Smoother, better throttle response, better pick up, quieter, and on the same 20 mile drive home the engine...
  9. JC600

    Freelander TD4 2005

    Well that's the Freelander all clean for work next week, and a full wash, polish, wax and interior cleaned on the MG ZS 180 ready for the MG show at Harrogate tomorrow. :)
  10. JC600

    Freelander 1 FL1 TD4 MAF? (solved)

    Done around 120 miles now, and my Freelander has never driven this well. :D
  11. JC600

    Freelander 1 FL1 TD4 MAF? (solved)

    Yeah, no problem Mike........I did try earlier, but couldn't do it. I'll try again. :)
  12. JC600

    Freelander 1 FL1 TD4 MAF? (solved)

    I used a launch x431 pro........but the diagnostics I use on a daily basis is a Snap On Verdict V7. But only the Launch had the option on it to reset MAF parameters . :) The Launch X431 belongs to the garage, the Snap On is mine. It's a great tool, use it before and after every remap to check...
  13. JC600

    Freelander 1 FL1 TD4 MAF? (solved)

    All fixed, thanks........reset MAF parameters on Launch diagnostics. Runs sweet as a nut now. :D
  14. JC600

    Freelander 1 FL1 TD4 MAF? (solved)

    No problems, I'll ask about. See if anyone I know has one........is there anything other than T4 that will do it?
  15. JC600

    Freelander 1 FL1 TD4 MAF? (solved)

    It has an EGR bypass fitted.