:focus: lol

That's a fair point brought up earlier - if the trigger for the SRS warning
light being brought on is actually resolved, does the warning light / dash
matrix remain doggedly going on about an issue even after it's been fixed
(pretty dumb if it does) or will the light reset and stay off once the ignition
is switched off/back on and there's no trigger for a fault?

For my '96 4.6 v8 with this same issue I've changed the rotary controller
behind the steering wheel along with the wheel's airbag with supposed
known good replacements and checked all the heavy yellow feed connections
in the loom as well as changed the dash bulbs but still the light stays on.

I do recall reading in the workshop manual a reset for the immobiliser / EAS
does a reset on restart but I'm not sure if it does this too on the SRS. I've
bought an alternative 'clean' ECU from ebay but will be back to square one
again if the trigger for mine is still bringing on the warning light.
So it may be a bulb then. How would i investigate to see the bulb situation? Theres ALOT of things i do in life that only makes a difference in my mind lol.
Remove the binnacle to access the bulbs. If one lamp is duff, fitting a new one will clear the problem. Needs to be the right lamp though.

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