
New Member
In response to Take back the tracks rally 2011 - Friends of the Peak District

I believe that the damage caused to the countryside by ramblers boots needs to be stopped.
They wish to see our few remaining lanes open to legally drive closed to vehicles and open to them and them alone.

It would be good for these self centred ramblers to see how responsible users can use these lanes in harmony and therefore I think as many of us as possible should drive the Long Causeway on Saturday 9th July.

If we dont act we will lose our access to the countryside.

Some people are simply not capable of walking long distances, but in the view of the 'friends of the peak district' these people should not be allowed access to these areas by vehicle.

We need to keep the few remaining lanes that we have left open to vehicles and show these people that we are not all destroying the landscape, but are simply enjoying the countryside in our own way, just as they are.

We need as many people there as possible to show that we want the peak district authority to take notice that we would like our access to stay available.

I have never driven this lane, but am happy to organise the event if someone will be able to lead.

We can then end the drive in a local pub and have a chat.

So, what do you guys think? We cant just sit back and let them walk all over us... :)
just make sure, if yu go, that yu take a fair number of disabled peeps, preferable children to see the countryside. that way (apart from the social responsibility issues :D) yu have a lovely headline.....
"Ramblers stop disadvantaged kids from seeing our beautiful countryside".

and a couple of off duty cops - just in case of any acts of "criminal violence" to yo property.
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just make sure, if yu go, that yu take a fair number of disabled peeps, preferable children to see the countryside. that way (apart from the social responsibility issues :D) yu have a lovely headline.....
"Ramblers stop disadvantaged kids from seeing our beautiful countryside".

and a couple of off duty cops - just in case of any acts of "criminal violence" to yo property.

I dont think my Grandma could get in the 90 never mind cope with going over all the bumps lol

I am quite sure we could organise something.
Would be able to video the whole thing to catch any ramblers going 'off piste' damaging the surrounding area with their big clunking boots and sticks and stuff!!!

Dont know any off duty cops, but I am sure someone on here could help out on that front.

If none of us turn up it just gives the impression that we don't care and don't want to keep our access to the few lanes that remain.

We need a visible presence up there of responsible off roaders.
Hi rik would love to come will have to see if i can clear the decks at work and raise some
extra cash this next week or so will let u know monday don,t mind leading either unless some one with more qualified comes along
Hi rik would love to come will have to see if i can clear the decks at work and raise some
extra cash this next week or so will let u know monday don,t mind leading either unless some one with more qualified comes along

Nice one Dave.

I just think if we don't go and how our presence, the committee will not be aware that we would like to retain our access to the few lanes we have.

I dont know the lane so hopefully if you know it or someone knows the lane could lead the convoy.

From the website of the ramblers, it says that they are not to stop vehicles passing or do anything inappropriate, so lets see if they stick to their word.

Im not sure where we would stand if they refused to let us past and say blocked the lane, but I am sure it would be no different to them walking down any road and blocking traffic. I guess the police could be called to say that they are blocking access to a lane.

I just believe we cant let them get away with this trying to remove our access to the countryside completely.
im all for this guys, but ill be on holiday. :):( But i think its the right thing to do. show them its not all of us out to go off piste and cause damage.

Good luck chaps

Nice one Dave.

I just think if we don't go and how our presence, the committee will not be aware that we would like to retain our access to the few lanes we have.

I dont know the lane so hopefully if you know it or someone knows the lane could lead the convoy.

From the website of the ramblers, it says that they are not to stop vehicles passing or do anything inappropriate, so lets see if they stick to their word.

Im not sure where we would stand if they refused to let us past and say blocked the lane, but I am sure it would be no different to them walking down any road and blocking traffic. I guess the police could be called to say that they are blocking access to a lane.

I just believe we cant let them get away with this trying to remove our access to the countryside completely.

Get a bunch of school age kids,and make it a fun day at a national park day. Have sack lunches make a picnic for them with some educational value
Please Please

For God’s sake put the word round that this event should be ignored and no motorists should go anywhere near. PDVUG / GLASS have discussed having one or two observers there, but not in vehicles. A BBC4 film crew are likely to be there (they are doing a documentary about the Peak District access issues), along with tame press people from the antis’ address books. Any confrontation would be seized upon by the press and possibly be on TV the next week. One thing is for sure, we wouldn’t come out of it in a good light.

Kevin Lowe’s Derbyshire Police Head of Operation Blackbrook, his advice to all is that 4x4 and trail bike groups would be well advised to stay away.

Just pinched from my club, from a Glass rep... :D Dont make things worse...
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the only problem with that is the guy who do it by the book and enjoy the lanes stay away leaving the idiots to be filmed and put over a one sided argument.ther again who ever they meet it willl be all blown up and exagerated.
Please Please

For God’s sake put the word round that this event should be ignored and no motorists should go anywhere near. PDVUG / GLASS have discussed having one or two observers there, but not in vehicles. A BBC4 film crew are likely to be there (they are doing a documentary about the Peak District access issues), along with tame press people from the antis’ address books. Any confrontation would be seized upon by the press and possibly be on TV the next week. One thing is for sure, we wouldn’t come out of it in a good light.

Kevin Lowe’s Derbyshire Police Head of Operation Blackbrook, his advice to all is that 4x4 and trail bike groups would be well advised to stay away.

Just pinched from my club, from a Glass rep... :D Dont make things worse...

I see the point here, but I have to say I for one dont agree.
Once again the anti 4x4 brigade will get all the coverage, and we will not be represented at all.
Do we actually want to keep our lanes open?

Are we just to let the ramblers walk all over us and leave us without any lanes left?

Who knows how many 'irresponsible' 4x4 owners will turn up to get on BBC4, we need responsible people there to show that it is the minority that are ruining it for everyone else.

It is always the anti brigade that get the coverage, and we are to avoid the lane while they are there.

I would like to see what would happen if we organised a laning day to be broadcast on BBC4, I doubt the ramblers would stay indoors for the day...

If we are going to organise something we need to get moving organising it. If not and we are going to let them win, then we might as well all sell our landys and get a prius.
Cowshed - that is bullying of the vilest kind "dont make a fuss - yu might make them angry" - In my opinion, for what its worth, a responsible group of maybe 4 or 5 taking some disadvantaged kids out to see the countryside in a polite and responsible manner, could do no harm. It might even show that there is room for all sorts on a BOAT.
Cowshed - that is bullying of the vilest kind "dont make a fuss - yu might make them angry" - In my opinion, for what its worth, a responsible group of maybe 4 or 5 taking some disadvantaged kids out to see the countryside in a polite and responsible manner, could do no harm. It might even show that there is room for all sorts on a BOAT.

I agree. Quite how we get these disadvantaged kids there is another matter.

Its just a case of showing that we dont want to lose our access. How is it going to look if no 4x4's turn up. Or even worse, if a group of idiots turn up and have a confrontation with the media or the ramblers?

If we dont go, its like we dont care.

We have so few lanes left that we can drive, yet the ramblers want the access to those removed aswell. They want to be the soul users of the countryside.

We need to show that we can live in harmony and all use the lanes without causing problems for each group.

I believe we should do as they are doing. Have 2 groups of 4x4's going from each end of the lane, even possibly having a speech when we get to the middle, saying how we feel that we should not have access removed due to a small minority of irresponsible users. That we think we should all be able to enjoy the countryside in our own way....
MHM a good idea,veiled threats and cautionary tale make me wild.
Cowshed - that is bullying of the vilest kind "dont make a fuss - yu might make them angry" - In my opinion, for what its worth, a responsible group of maybe 4 or 5 taking some disadvantaged kids out to see the countryside in a polite and responsible manner, could do no harm. It might even show that there is room for all sorts on a BOAT.

I agree to be honest, but can just see whats going to happen the bobble hat brigade will be there in all there glory just waiting for 4x4's to turn up, waving all there pictures and video footage of the drivers that have gone off piste.... and there it turns into a slanging match.. perfect for the television and the papers..

My opinion and its only my opinion is to leave them to there gathering and make no noise what so ever and let there little publicity stunt get printed tucked away somewhere on page 12 instead of front page news....
What I always find amazing about these issues is why it always has to be "Us & Them". We can all use the lanes, we can act in a co-ordinated effort. Vehicles can take working parties, clear brushwood and obstacles, working off the roof of a 4x4, trees can be pruned that might be dangerous for horse riders. Truck cabs can take material to fill in ruts. If all peeps do is blatt around the countryside seeing how deep a hole they can dig in a BOAT and making it un-walkable then that isnt helping our cause.
There is a world of difference between going green-laning and going to a pay and play site. We should respect that difference.

Slanging matches will never work - it needs a polite group and agree with them if they show off-piste action - those sorts of peeps should be banned, If someone showed you a pick of a speeding corsa or a biker doing a wheelie, is that any reason to ban all vehicles - off course not.
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