I agree to be honest, but can just see whats going to happen the bobble hat brigade will be there in all there glory just waiting for 4x4's to turn up, waving all there pictures and video footage of the drivers that have gone off piste.... and there it turns into a slanging match.. perfect for the television and the papers..

My opinion and its only my opinion is to leave them to there gathering and make no noise what so ever and let there little publicity stunt get printed tucked away somewhere on page 12 instead of front page news....
Sounds like you boys are playing right into there hands. They are going to set you up and make you look like a bunch of red neck lets fook up the trails people.

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE USA don't play into there hands. They are playing you like a bunch of idiots.

Listen to The Mad Hat Man' he has it figured out. Go with his ideas.
and good luck
Turn up in your landy...go to the parking area...be met with all sorts of dirty looks...then get out in your walking gear.

Mind Fk.
Sounds like you boys are playing right into there hands. They are going to set you up and make you look like a bunch of red neck lets fook up the trails people.

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE USA don't play into there hands. They are playing you like a bunch of idiots.

Listen to The Mad Hat Man' he has it figured out. Go with his ideas.
and good luck

Would the ramblers stay away if we organised a Keep our lanes open rally on the 10th?

* Long Causeway is only one of many sites in the Peak District that is being eroded and trashed by off-roading.
* It is currently legal to drive on Long Causeway, so off-roaders aren't breaking the law. However - knowingly or not - they are eroding and carving up this precious land.
* We want to see the Peak District National Park Authority make it illegal to drive on Long Causeway, and other tracks in sensitive places.
* In addition, there are other tracks in the Peak District where it is already illegal to drive, but off-roaders ignore the law. Here we want to see the police and relevant authorities take action and prosecute illegal off-roaders.
* Our Take Back the Tracks rally is a chance for people who want to protect the Peak District to come together and express these concerns and demand that the Peak District National Park Authority takes stronger action.
* We are holding the rally a week before the Peak District National Park Authority meets on Friday 15 July to review its policy about how it manages off-roading in the National Park.

Think the 15th of july would be a better date to turn up....

* Long Causeway is only one of many sites in the Peak District that is being eroded and trashed by off-roading.
* It is currently legal to drive on Long Causeway, so off-roaders aren't breaking the law. However - knowingly or not - they are eroding and carving up this precious land.
* We want to see the Peak District National Park Authority make it illegal to drive on Long Causeway, and other tracks in sensitive places.
* In addition, there are other tracks in the Peak District where it is already illegal to drive, but off-roaders ignore the law. Here we want to see the police and relevant authorities take action and prosecute illegal off-roaders.
* Our Take Back the Tracks rally is a chance for people who want to protect the Peak District to come together and express these concerns and demand that the Peak District National Park Authority takes stronger action.
* We are holding the rally a week before the Peak District National Park Authority meets on Friday 15 July to review its policy about how it manages off-roading in the National Park.

Think the 15th of july would be a better date to turn up....

Does that mean on the 15th the peak district park authority will actually be on the lane, or just having a meeting somewhere?

I just think if we organised something, the ramblers wouldnt stay away.
* It is currently legal to drive on Long Causeway, so off-roaders aren't breaking the law. However - knowingly or not - they are eroding and carving up this precious land.
* We want to see the Peak District National Park Authority make it illegal to drive on Long Causeway, and other tracks in sensitive places.
* In addition, there are other tracks in the Peak District where it is already illegal to drive, but off-roaders ignore the law. Here we want to see the police and relevant authorities take action and prosecute illegal off-roaders.
* Our Take Back the Tracks rally is a chance for people who want to protect the Peak District to come together and express these concerns and demand that the Peak District National Park Authority takes stronger action.
* We are holding the rally a week before the Peak District National Park Authority meets on Friday 15 July to review its policy about how it manages off-roading in the National Park.

Think the 15th of july would be a better date to turn up....

This is wot ****es me off.
Many walks in the Lake District and other national parks have suffered from major erosion due to walkers. What do the parks authority do? Repair the paths or ban walkers? What is the difference? None - to me!
As for illegal drivers - we should not support them - ban them from driving and crush their vehicles.
Personally I can't see why a policy of limited restrictions at particular times of year couldn't be applied to stop serious damage or to allow lanes to recover.
Fishermen have a closed season, as do sports shooting and kayakers.
This is wot ****es me off.
Many walks in the Lake District and other national parks have suffered from major erosion due to walkers. What do the parks authority do? Repair the paths or ban walkers? What is the difference? None - to me!
As for illegal drivers - we should not support them - ban them from driving and crush their vehicles.
Personally I can't see why a policy of limited restrictions at particular times of year couldn't be applied to stop serious damage or to allow lanes to recover.
Fishermen have a closed season, as do sports shooting and kayakers.

Agreed. A laning season may be a solution.
Why can't we enjoy the countryside as we see fit. Either on foot or wheels.
Going there is just what they want and the media allways make any motorised activity look bad.do,nt give them the satisfaction.
We are fed up of being victimised and being accused of the ONLY reason byways are worn away. We arrange repairs and tidying of these greenlanes and yet this goes unnoticed 'deliberately or otherwise' by the flat foot brigade!

Most 4x4 owners were reviled until a few got into the news when the bad weather struck and helped local services.

We really do need to oppose the blanket statement the Rambling organisation are saying about Off-roaders!

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