It only gets worse the more well known you become....if you can't hack it now then I suggest you bail :eek::p

For all the ****-taking this is by and far the best place to get an answer or help for any LR related problem. You can always go to LRO and wait a week :rolleyes:
Now now girls no need for hand bags at dawn. Il stick with this forum, it's got spirit.
Yep I found that too. Ask a serious question and you get some smart arse answer from someone that obviously doesn't have a life. Just look at the number of posts they have, virgin fat no mates me thinks.

another member who speaks the truth :hysterically_laughi
Dude, if you don't like LZ then go somewhere else....
Mix in, join in the banter, integrate - you reap what you sow, comprendez? ;)
As much as id like to kid myself , i am no gorgeous young thing :(

everyone was a newbie just have to stick around. That said its no different to life...there are some on here i gel with and love to death, others wind me up and others dont register. Why should a forum be any different ?

If its not your cup of tea, find somewhere that shame in that, doesnt make it the forums fault or the people on here.
only cos we had already done all the godd stuff like trains ,industrial revoulution etc:D

You mean, we should sent the dog to parliament, as he's dressed properly already anyway? Would be a huge improvement. And he drives better than the wife anyway...
As much as id like to kid myself , i am no gorgeous young thing :(

everyone was a newbie just have to stick around. That said its no different to life...there are some on here i gel with and love to death, others wind me up and others dont register. Why should a forum be any different ?

If its not your cup of tea, find somewhere that shame in that, doesnt make it the forums fault or the people on here.

Well if you're gonna categorise us, which one do I fall in?? :rolleyes::p:D
As much as id like to kid myself , i am no gorgeous young thing :(

everyone was a newbie just have to stick around. That said its no different to life...there are some on here i gel with and love to death, others wind me up and others dont register. Why should a forum be any different ?

If its not your cup of tea, find somewhere that shame in that, doesnt make it the forums fault or the people on here.

Thank you for that. I like the replies to this thread. I might stick around, but please be aware...I am a fat old grandma....get over it! :)

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