sounds good :tea: I don't do numpty driving, these are public roads afterall :)

got Fender, got AT tyres, fairly standard but with under protection.

Looking forward to it :)

LOL, they were not talking about you Tim :D

The numpty vehicle would be the doc, but the driving would be me :eek:

Now I have a huge decision to make. Do I fit the wading kit that has just arrived so its ready for Saturday. Or do I leave it until later and ask nrgserv to help.

Its supposed to be easy but so was the snorkel :eek::eek:

I dont want to take it apart again and not have it running for Saturdays trip to explore the route :confused::confused::confused:
LOL, they were not talking about you Tim :D

The numpty vehicle would be the doc, but the driving would be me :eek:

Now I have a huge decision to make. Do I fit the wading kit that has just arrived so its ready for Saturday. Or do I leave it until later and ask nrgserv to help.

Its supposed to be easy but so was the snorkel :eek::eek:

I dont want to take it apart again and not have it running for Saturdays trip to explore the route :confused::confused::confused:

when you say wading kit, what have you bought, is it just extended breathers. if so should be no more than a couple of hours to do.
when you say wading kit, what have you bought, is it just extended breathers. if so should be no more than a couple of hours to do.

Not sure :confused:

It has Pipes
Gearbox connectors
90 Degree angle fittings
4-1 connector
Timing plate cover
Fuel pump breather

At least that's what the instructions say
Well I'm pretty fed up tonight, no wading kit job to do.

SO, I'm going to make cake for Saturday :D:D:D

Anything you like as long as its chocolate, cause thats the only thing I have ingredients and a recipe for.

Hope I can follow the instructions better than fixing the Landy
The wading kits are basically where you unscrew some things from the axles etc, screw other things in their place, then push-fit tubes into them, tie-wrap the tubes to the chassis and trail them to the front of the vehicle and up the snorkel.

In practise you're better waiting till you have plenty time 'cos the axle breathers that you're taking off will almost certainly be a tad rusty, might not come off easily, and may also need their respective holes cleaning out so the axle can breathe .. hopefully without getting rusty stuff into the axle tubes ...

... and chocolate cake is awesome .. ;)

Anyone got a spare seat for Saturday. My friend was coming with me but now my daughter wants to come too and I only have one seat :rolleyes:
The wading kits are basically where you unscrew some things from the axles etc, screw other things in their place, then push-fit tubes into them, tie-wrap the tubes to the chassis and trail them to the front of the vehicle and up the snorkel.


Thats what I was expecting I have seen the breathers from the axles which is why I was considering doing it. Its the extra bits that threw me a bit.

Chocolate cake it is then :D
Yes cake is good but what will be even better is a post code of were we are meeting up on Saturday :)
Just hope that i do not screw my disco up on the day lol
Also still trying to find myself a snorkle and cb cheap :jaw:
This Saturday .. Dalesbridge - How to Find Us This is where Sues weekend starts, so it makes sense to follow the route as it will be on the day. 9.30 for 10 am start .. ;)

We're going up tomorrow and staying the weekend .. love the Dales .. ;)
Dont need an extra seat after all, my friend would rather go to Arthington Show :rolleyes:

Chocolate cake is out of the oven and looks sort of edible :eek:

Cant wait for Saturday now

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