You mean the ones with traction control that lowers the engine RPM to get grip. You know the ones that get stuck on a wet hankie. Not only BMs that do that. Oh what fun it will be. :D:D:D

we live on a quiet estate, very little through traffic. this is going to be FUN!

wonder how many of my neighbors will suddenly become friendly this year :D:D:D
I'd take all these predictions with a large pinch of salt. They can't usually get the next days weather right never mind the next few weeks or months. It all guesswork!
Yep, every time I stretch halfway across the world to tap the cruise control button - it reminds me I'm driving a British designed car! :D

you know you CAN swap the position of it with the fog light switch (on the P38). tight, but can be done :)

you only have to go 1/4 the way then :D:D:D:D:D
I might put the seats back in the 90 just in case they're right, my car is a BMW and they are crap in the snow
Well, if the amount of rain we've had in recent months is anything to go by and continues its trend, it's perfectly feasible to have an abnormal amount of snow given the inevitable drop in temperatures that will soon be upon us.

Bring it on. :D
Ooh I've been offered 2 discos :) time to make some money :D aaannnddd get my 90 finished so I can get wherever I want ;)

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