that site is yet another collecting point for global theorists (conspiracy), i'm more minded to believe what's in the Daily Express than what gets added to those sites

randomly posting links isn't going to help convince people, but then one of the sites you posted above shows a chart plotting the regression of polar and sea ice over the past 30 years

so in my mind "regression" is a fancy way of saying it's melting ?

Arctic sea ice melts/regresses in the summer and grows back in the winter, always has done
Arctic sea ice melts/regresses in the summer and grows back in the winter, always has done

yer i read that the first time you posted it, but it doesn't address the regression point does it ?

and i don't mean JUST over summer ... read some of the info on those sites you posted and watch the video which clearly shows each winter there is less and less polar and sea ice

not that i am particularly bothered .....
Mine does....displacement. theres only so much of something in the world so if you have it in your freezer then it has to come from somewhere.
Mine does....displacement. theres only so much of something in the world so if you have it in your freezer then it has to come from somewhere.

displacement - good word

polar ice melts - half of the UK is under a foot of water

you don't need to be Stephen Hawkins to work that out

apparently me boiler just needed a new heat exchanger so that out paid to me global cooling theory
displacement - good word

polar ice melts - half of the UK is under a foot of water

you don't need to be Stephen Hawkins to work that out

apparently me boiler just needed a new heat exchanger so that out paid to me global cooling theory

Its not melting.....its teleporting into freezers. Can you prove the ice is actually melting or has it just disappeared.
Cryosphere today is done by the University of illanois who keep the records of global sea ice

although there is some minor surface area differences the concentration is higher in 2010 than in 1980

Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps

sun spot activity is at an all time low now so you will probably see a continuation of global cooling that has been happening for the past 8 years
I am off to burn lots of coal in my fire.

CO2 is only an excuse to tax us. If it was not CO2 it would have been some other "bad" gas!
the earth goes through climate cycles of around 30 years weve just gone thropugh a warm cycle and are entering a cold cycle, if the arctic melts which it should do and will do anyway because it is floating above the ocean it is already displacing the same ammount of water as it contains so if it melts sea levelss wont rise, although the ice on greenland and antarctica which is on land when it melts an flows into the sea it will increase sea levels we are technically still in an ice age as we have ice on the poles

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