Well here we go again. Once again i shal try to do the right thing, i'm really quite touched by the ammount of support a lot of you have for yella. Even though you all have your own oppinion about whats happened, so do I. I have spoken to yella this morning and i think we both know where we stand. I'm not about to pour it out over the forums however. I realise i probably made a pretty rash decission yesterday but when things are going a bit mad it's hard to see all the facts. What i saw ****ed me off a little and i'm now thinking i should have put the swear filter on right from the start. Shame on me for thinking the forum could go on without it. So saying that the swear filter is now on and hopefully that should help. Anyway as far as i'm concerned the only complaints ive had are for the language so i can't see why yella cant return. For those who may be wondering i made the choice because i think it's for the right reasons and not for the pile of pm's ive had with people threatening to leave. I'm going back on my decission and eating a bit of humble pie at the same time. Enjoy it i don't do it often!:D.
Please feel free to post your comments but please don't fill this thread with off topic banter. I'd like everyone to see it and not be scared away by general **** taking. Just this thread though eh, wouldn't want to change the way the forum is would i??:rolleyes:
Think nothing of it my dear fellow. I have the deepest respect for your remarkable powers of recollection in respect of vintage comedy television programmes.
Would that be a veiled connection to my Hattie oooooooooooooooohhh dear I've done it again.........................Erm anyone gorrenny tissues?
In the absence of available paper hankerchieves, may I humbly suggest that the fenestration internal fabric coverings may be used as an altenative?

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