
New Member
Hi to everyone.
Wondered if anyone else has experienced this problem. The engine hasn't been run for a couple of months. When I came to start I found the fuel filter was almost empty. The hand primer dosn't feel very good, so I filled the filter and both in and out fuel lines. Cranking the engine over it didn't attempt to fire. Checked the filter again and it was empty. It seems the fuel runs back.

Is there a particular way to bleed these things. I've also cracked off the pipe into the pump to try to eliminate the air. Should I be looking at the outlet to the cooler rail?

Getting a bit (lot) naffed off now. Any help much appreciated.

Not sure what you've done but you should open the bolt on the top of the filter, pump the hand primer until the fuel comes out of the top of the filter then tighten the bolt back up. Also check the fuel isn't draining out of the bottom of the filter.
Also don't want to tell you how to suck eggs but is the filter the right way round, there are arrows etched on the top.
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I dont suck eggs but didn't know about the arrows on the filter,,,doh,,,thanks for the advice, I'll have a look.

The hand primer seems really weak and the fuel is def running back. Thinking about maybe putting a different hand primer on, something like those fitted to the peugeots.
Found the fault with this. The non-return vale in the 'bellows' hand primer had gone west, hence the fuel running back. New bellows,,,wow what a difference. Bled up v/quickly.

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