I was driving along the A12 last year and came upon a seris half on the verge and half in the carrigeway, I stopped behind and put my amber flashers on and wandered over to see if I could help.
The fella had a puncture and no jack!
10 mins later and i'd changed his wheel and he was on his way.

I hope he didn't moan that you were in a defender n not a series when u stopped to help LOL
take a look at your own avatar:eek:

Didn't realise u had an interview process?! tool

That's a avatar. A broken series landy.if you haven't got anything decent to say don't bother.this site is for help and yes peoples thoughts but as I've said I want to know genuine answers.
That's a avatar. A broken series landy.if you haven't got anything decent to say don't bother.this site is for help and yes peoples thoughts but as I've said I want to know genuine answers.
my answers are genuine. take a chill pill man
I'd definately help unless I didn't like the look of the stranded person :) Sexy babes would get the offer of a tow or a lift (to the nearest lay by) unless it was something I could fix easily. Fellas would need to look like they weren't mincing around in flowery clothing waiting for a butch RAC man to flirt with! :p
.if you haven't got anything decent to say don't bother.this site is for help and yes peoples thoughts but as I've said I want to know genuine answers.

Thats hardly the attitude is it??? You have had several genuine answers, and as is the way round here people will probably now take the **** a bit :eek::eek: it's what they/we do, ;);) now you can embrace this and join in, OR you can chuck your toys out of the pram and stamp your feet while you sulk:doh::doh:, basically good luck with that ;);):rolleyes: you'll need it:p:p
ive stopped and helped people or more than one occasion its amazing how suprised people are, that you stop and offer help.The one time been working on car took it for a drive a guy had broke down blocking a junction offered help,his wife said thank you push car to side to have a look, coil lead had come out, pair of pliers bit of butchering got it going enough to get him home.wife thank you very much husband "who's going to clean those dirt hand marks!", wtf wish i haden't stopped
I was forever stopping on my bike for fellow bikers. WRT the LR - I might do. TBH if the driver had a cracking pair of tits I prolly would.

There, is that genuine enough? :D
I was forever stopping on my bike for fellow bikers. WRT the LR - I might do. TBH if the driver had a cracking pair of tits I prolly would.

There, is that genuine enough? :D

See u just said a cracking pair of tits
Guess u don't mind male or female then
Hey wateva floats ur boat mate:doh:
ive stopped and helped people or more than one occasion its amazing how suprised people are, that you stop and offer help.The one time been working on car took it for a drive a guy had broke down blocking a junction offered help,his wife said thank you push car to side to have a look, coil lead had come out, pair of pliers bit of butchering got it going enough to get him home.wife thank you very much husband "who's going to clean those dirt hand marks!", wtf wish i haden't stopped

I wud of popped bonnet n pulled coil lead back off lol
Monday night when i was broken down waiting for RAC i must have had 30 odd cars come past me including a police car. Only one person pulled over to check i was ok, a local guy ive passed in town before in a 110.
ive stopped and helped people or more than one occasion its amazing how suprised people are, that you stop and offer help.The one time been working on car took it for a drive a guy had broke down blocking a junction offered help,his wife said thank you push car to side to have a look, coil lead had come out, pair of pliers bit of butchering got it going enough to get him home.wife thank you very much husband "who's going to clean those dirt hand marks!", wtf wish i haden't stopped

One problem when you stop for someone and do a minor fix to get them on their way, is when you get a dumb male, you know the type, with his lady. Im a plumber by trade and its always the same, if you fix something in front of a woman and her partner, most of the time he will be emasculated by the fact he cant do it. Man should fix stuff, its one of those done things. It works no matter what you fix, including cars on the roadside.

It happened today even lol. Husband tried to save money by fitting new washing machine himself, makes a balls up of it and destroys a valve. Wife called me, men rarely call, and asked me to come as there was no water to the house. Two young boys, under 4. Fixed. He comes, asks the problem, she says "Your ***king fault ......etc". Que massive row, with me giving 'evidence' lol. The **** I have to put up with :rolleyes:

If he wasnt there, in and out, job done. Man who cant fix, pick every possible fault they can. Its just an observation Ive had over the last few years.

Having your tits out certainly helps though. Would you stop for a pair of tits, even if there wasnt a car? Of course.:D
One woman was clearly 8 months pregnant, on the inside of a blind roundabout, in a dead, beaten old Transit. Said she had been there about 30 mins, people nearly killing each other to avoid her, right outside a supermarket too! I pulled up, ran into the road, pushed her round the corner to face downhill and told her to pull over somewhere safer.

But what did you do with the transit?

About 30 mins ago I was driving south on the A1 near Torness Power Station the road is unlit there. I saw 2 young lads walking on the middle of the northbound carriageway, waving their arms about like idiots. I slowed down then saw a broken down citroen saxo 500mtrs away, on the verge. Did I stop? Did I feck. The road is just a 2 lane job, if they were at the car with the bonnet up I may have stopped.
Generally I would stop and offer help to anyone who looks genuine and sane, though I would drive past if similar circumstances to what Crashbox described arose.

I have over the years helped many stranded motorists of both genders and all ages, I've even ferried a large asian family with young children to the next service station to wait safely (and out of the rain) for the car to be repaired and/or picked up. As already said above, I enjoy helping people and get a definate pleasure in knowing I helped.

Usually my parting words are the same, as they say thanks (often offering money as a reward, which I refuse,) I reply, next time you see someone stuck and needing help, please stop, it might be me or my daughter.

Though, in fairness, if there is no obvious signs that your are in difficulty, then I'd probably not stop just on the off-chance that you needed help. Standing by the side of the car looking dejected, bewildered, clueless, lost, holding jump leads, petrol can, spare wheel lying by the car etc. are all clues which will go a long way towards getting you some willing help. Sitting inside the vehicle with the doors closed, bonnet down doesn't give much clue.
I would drive on by anorl, but bonnet up and hazards on i would stop even if all i could do is take you somewhere although as im nearly always in me disco i would at least tow you to a safer spot. I like helping peeps and always will if i can, as already said gives ya a warm feeling, it's good to help not enough of it around these days.
Yes always have helped or even let someone use our recovery membership to get them and their family home. Time it happened we could see their car was struggling and didn't overtake or anything as we could see they were having problems. Maybe I'm mad. Offer people lifts when I see them walking home who I don't know, as a woman in the car on her own I probably shouldn't.
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