Well-Known Member
Any Idea what used to be riveted on the bottom of my doors

door bottom.JPG

door bottom 2.JPG

An can some one post a picture of the inside window seal or describe it for me. Is it just a U section piece of plastic trim that pushes over the top bit of the door card, or is there more to it.
Int the rubber seal screwed to the channel thats bolted to the bulkhead an tub?

This looks like a single strip of 1.5 cm wide rubber seal. kind of like the draft excluder stuff you put round doors in yer house. Its not the 'spongy round the side of your landy doors' stuff.

Do you want me to take a pic of it?
I've got the hollow section stuff for the cills and round the door hole coming, but I've not got any thing round the door.
call paddocks - they got tons of door rubberybits on their web site - and they seem to know there stuff.

arternoon Grunt
Ear Grunt -
I got a pair o them bottom door seals kickin round in me garidge (brand new).
I bought em when I were lookin fer new doors, but then the doors I got came wiv em fitted.
PM me yer addy an I'll post em to yer.
Good afternoon one an all.

I've tried Paddocks an they don't seem to know their arse from their elbow. "Hoping" to eventualy get the door'ole seals on Monday but pound to a pinch of ****e they'll be the wrong ones, they never mentioned seals round the actual door. Nor did they mention an inner window seal when I asked for all the window channels and seals.

Cheers Trewy will do that.

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