Aye am up fer it theres a few I wunt mind havin a go at round the North York Moors, Thing is they're a bit desolate if yer get stuck an it's getting dark.
OOOOhhh I like the look of that Cud this be the start of a TOSSERS norfun rampage.
It int the Bogie man wot am frittened of it's Hypothermia that worries me. I know Sheepwash at Osmotherly its where the Monkey hangers go to chuck litter about on a Sunday an that track runs South from it. Thing about the lanes on the NYM is that they can be quite damaging if you int careful.
It int the Bogie man wot am frittened of it's Hypothermia that worries me. I know Sheepwash at Osmotherly its where the Monkey hangers go to chuck litter about on a Sunday an that track runs South from it. Thing about the lanes on the NYM is that they can be quite damaging if you int careful.

sure its safe for mondo???
Aye am up fer it theres a few I wunt mind havin a go at round the North York Moors, Thing is they're a bit desolate if yer get stuck an it's getting dark.

yer not got yer headlights workin yet then ?:rolleyes:
the bloke int video telt me that lane in that long t mek a day outovit, so he's gunner plan some more t make it worth a day out.

So Yus ! pikey.
looks like the tossers is branchin out. unless Dafts teken out the copyrite on T.O.S.S.E.R.S !;) In which case we'll av t call oursells summat else.

Cleveland n ULL Northern Tossers ?????? :D
I can do careful. Just bring warm clothing, extra blankets an flask of coffee. best mate is an alpine mountain guide and search manager for South Snowdonia Mountain Rescue I've done loads of mountain walking/winter climbing & snowshoe trekking with him. It's not likely that were all gonna get stuck or break down is it. I'll invite Dave Kirby along he can save us all if it goes tits up.
FFS Its Yarkshire were onnabout ! :rolleyes:
Int yer gorra coat n wellies t purron?

Iss ok grunt if it gits that bad we can all huddle round me eberspacher an i'll put me yella beacons on so the South Snowdonia mounties can find us easy :rolleyes:
See there int any probs we can't overcome if we put our heads together. I'll bring my beacon as well
Was doing a lane North of Helmlsey with Dave Kirby last October the day the clocks went back. The sun was just setting as we started it, half an hour down the lane three of us got stuck the the two in front dint notice and carried on an I don't mind admitting I was a tad concerned I thought we wuz gonna spend the night up there in the ****ing rain freezing cold, I can see the headlines now.
Was doing a lane North of Helmlsey with Dave Kirby last October the day the clocks went back. The sun was just setting as we started it, half an hour down the lane three of us got stuck the the two in front dint notice and carried on an I don't mind admitting I was a tad concerned I thought we wuz gonna spend the night up there in the ****ing rain freezing cold, I can see the headlines now.

Yes but Hull4x4 have an habit of getting into trouble everytime they go upto North yorkshire They all got knicked fer tresspass last time they went up there.

Us C*U*N*Ts are sensible chaps. and proper organised.

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