
De Villes Advocaat
Being all posh and too sensitive for roughing it in a tent I wanted to make a camper trailer for my series for when out on little adventures.
Attempting to keep it age related I came up with the idea of a wood burner for heating but more importantly it would give me something to do till spring and the main build.
First thing I did was some designs and ideas.
1. it cant use air from inside as it will use up all your oxygen and kill ye dead.
2. It has to be small or it will get too hot and kill ye dead.
3. It has to be safe or the lot will go up in flames and kill ye dead.
4. it has to be a smokeless one or the world will end and it'll kill us all dead.

Ok easy peasy :confused:. Paper design.


Managed to pick up a scuba tank for the body and being 6mm thick should outlast a normal gas tank.
00 Scuba tank.jpg

Marked out and chopped up a bit. Time to do some skip ratting as I dont like buying things.

01 Cutting tank.jpg

I was going to chop the bottom off but came up the idea of a screw on trap on the bottom to empty the ash out. Off to the sprinkler system engineers and a fiver later came away with a 2" barrel nipple and end cap. I really do need to practice my welding :oops:

03 Ash cover.jpg

Having a secondary burn to reduce smoke requires a baffle and chamber so just above the door goes a lump of steel plate with a 'cut out' of similar area to the planned three inch stove pipe.

04 Baffle cut.jpg

This gets fitted about 4 inches from the top edge with copious dollops of run away welding :D

05 Baffel plate install.jpg

Now for the fun bit. A separate 1" air intake brings air through the back of the tank and up the back wall behind a plate. Once heated the air passes though a piece of box section and squirts out all over the rising smoke. This reignites and the re heated smoke/unburnt fuel is passed under the hot plate and out through t, t'chimley.
Firstly I made the plate and burner......
06 Back plate air heater and afterburner.jpg

and then fitted it.

07 Air heater and afterburner install.jpg

10 cutting discs later the welder came out again.:oops:
I have two welders but my little MIG will only go up to a few mill. This lots like ship building so the big point and spray stick welder was given a blast.

08 Afterburner install 2.jpg

It never looked that good again :(
Before blasting into position I had to cut the inch hole in the back. Tried everything I had available and trust me that isnt alot (did I mention I was tight) so in the end the welder was turned up to nuclear and I burnt a rough hole in the back ready to attack with some grinding stones later. Yes it will take a long time but its all I have.

Once molten steel was smudged all over it in ever worsening passes I tested the burner by jamming a blow torch in the hole and holding a naked flame around the welds. It didnt kill me to death :eek: So you can put up with me for a little longer.o_O

09 Testing afterburner.jpg

Its so beautiful................................:rolleyes:

10 Burner.jpg

Started losing the light a bit but it was time for legs. Wanted round ens but had free square.

11 Time for legs.jpg

Time to retire to the shed and cut up some more discs coz I luv buying discs I duz.

12 Legs 2.jpg

When you have legs you need feet. You also get fewer discs.:(

13 Feet.jpg

Well thats it for today. I have spent money and am awaiting steel for the door frame and door.
Just need a lamp post now o_O
very good but why cant you use air from the camper, most do ,even my open fire in the front room does
very good but why cant you use air from the camper, most do ,even my open fire in the front room does
Coz its mine. My camper, my air.

Its a very small camper and to use all the air to burn will need vents to replace said air. This air will be cold and therefore need heating. The air will be heated by the stove by burnin..........................................

It can have its own :confused:
Coz its mine. My camper, my air.

Its a very small camper and to use all the air to burn will need vents to replace said air. This air will be cold and therefore need heating. The air will be heated by the stove by burnin..........................................

It can have its own :confused:
id hope your fitting vents in any case,i see youve fitted a top air supply makes a big difference
id hope your fitting vents in any case,i see youve fitted a top air supply makes a big difference
Yea. Integrated vents will be fitted. Quite fancied one of them twirley roof vents. Only coz I never had one before. £45 :eek:

Not sure how effective the second burn will be in such a small unit but its there so I hope it at least works a bit.
Yea. Integrated vents will be fitted. Quite fancied one of them twirley roof vents. Only coz I never had one before. £45 :eek:

Not sure how effective the second burn will be in such a small unit but its there so I hope it at least works a bit.
theres still the flammable gasses given off however small a unit
theres still the flammable gasses given off however small a unit
Not if its a balanced system. The only time fumes can enter the cabin is when the door is opened for a few seconds when refueling.
The unit is completely sealed, hence air in from the outside and exhaust out to the outside.
Thats the plan any road up.
Not if its a balanced system. The only time fumes can enter the cabin is when the door is opened for a few seconds when refueling.
The unit is completely sealed, hence air in from the outside and exhaust out to the outside.
Thats the plan any road up.
i meant unburnt gasses above the fire the reason for top air supply
Couple of thoughts.....

1. Jesus you have hairy fingers.
2. How are you carrying that bad boy around ?
While waiting for supplies I got the modelling clay out this morning.
I will plainly need a big brass plaque on the front of mi rocket so there is only one thing for it. Time to smelt a couple of old taps and have a bash at casting.
How hard can it be.


Now, what to wright on it. Answers on a post card. :D
Being all posh and too sensitive for roughing it in a tent I wanted to make a camper trailer for my series for when out on little adventures.
Attempting to keep it age related I came up with the idea of a wood burner for heating but more importantly it would give me something to do till spring and the main build.
First thing I did was some designs and ideas.
1. it cant use air from inside as it will use up all your oxygen and kill ye dead.
2. It has to be small or it will get too hot and kill ye dead.
3. It has to be safe or the lot will go up in flames and kill ye dead.
4. it has to be a smokeless one or the world will end and it'll kill us all dead.

Ok easy peasy :confused:. Paper design.

View attachment 133189
Managed to pick up a scuba tank for the body and being 6mm thick should outlast a normal gas tank.
View attachment 133190
Marked out and chopped up a bit. Time to do some skip ratting as I dont like buying things.

View attachment 133192

I was going to chop the bottom off but came up the idea of a screw on trap on the bottom to empty the ash out. Off to the sprinkler system engineers and a fiver later came away with a 2" barrel nipple and end cap. I really do need to practice my welding :oops:

View attachment 133193

Having a secondary burn to reduce smoke requires a baffle and chamber so just above the door goes a lump of steel plate with a 'cut out' of similar area to the planned three inch stove pipe.

View attachment 133194

This gets fitted about 4 inches from the top edge with copious dollops of run away welding :D

View attachment 133195

Now for the fun bit. A separate 1" air intake brings air through the back of the tank and up the back wall behind a plate. Once heated the air passes though a piece of box section and squirts out all over the rising smoke. This reignites and the re heated smoke/unburnt fuel is passed under the hot plate and out through t, t'chimley.
Firstly I made the plate and burner......
View attachment 133196

and then fitted it.

View attachment 133197
10 cutting discs later the welder came out again.:oops:
I have two welders but my little MIG will only go up to a few mill. This lots like ship building so the big point and spray stick welder was given a blast.

View attachment 133198

It never looked that good again :(
Before blasting into position I had to cut the inch hole in the back. Tried everything I had available and trust me that isnt alot (did I mention I was tight) so in the end the welder was turned up to nuclear and I burnt a rough hole in the back ready to attack with some grinding stones later. Yes it will take a long time but its all I have.

Once molten steel was smudged all over it in ever worsening passes I tested the burner by jamming a blow torch in the hole and holding a naked flame around the welds. It didnt kill me to death :eek: So you can put up with me for a little longer.o_O

View attachment 133199

Its so beautiful................................:rolleyes:

View attachment 133200

Started losing the light a bit but it was time for legs. Wanted round ens but had free square.

View attachment 133201

Time to retire to the shed and cut up some more discs coz I luv buying discs I duz.

View attachment 133202

When you have legs you need feet. You also get fewer discs.:(

View attachment 133203

Well thats it for today. I have spent money and am awaiting steel for the door frame and door.
Just need a lamp post now o_O

Looking good at the prototype stage! :cool:

Can I come round and smelt some lead for mud weights when you are finished? ;):D

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