I'll just stick with my vogue then and as petrol prices are in free fall I'll keep enjoying the V8 while it lasts will be sub £1 per litre soon
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Why on earth did you sell your Holland & Holland?!!!

Very sadly because the engine went pop quite spectacularly and, while I did try, I couldn't afford to replace the engine and keep it. Plus my then girlfriend hated driving it.

I had it fitted with a JE 4.6 Fast Road block and tuning package. Give it about 45 - 50 hp over standard. PLus I put the later Sat-Nav computer in it as well as roof rails and genuine side steps.

BECM would have been next to go and that financially was the final straw for me.

Miss the car and not the ex...
I'll just stick with my vogue then and as petrol prices are in free fall I'll keep enjoying the V8 while it lasts will be sub £1 per litre soon

Don't hope for to much people are still making a lot of profit. In 1998 crude was $10 to $15 a barrel and petrol was still 71 p a litre. I believe this is being organised to put Russia on it's knees.
"I believe this is being organised to put Russia on it's knees."


It's the only reason I can think of that would make OPEC agree to keep producing in the face of falling demand . . . I just wonder what incentives the US has promised.

Don't hope for to much people are still making a lot of profit. In 1998 crude was $10 to $15 a barrel and petrol was still 71 p a litre. I believe this is being organised to put Russia on it's knees.

Yes it is. The world was/is ****ed with what Russia has done to Crimea, Ukraine and the passenger plane they shot down.
Don't hope for to much people are still making a lot of profit. In 1998 crude was $10 to $15 a barrel and petrol was still 71 p a litre. I believe this is being organised to put Russia on it's knees.

Yep! and when it is and various goals are achieved, it will go right back up. Vlads money is probably worth less than half of what it was and his oil is going down the same road.....Cant say I feel sorry for him though...
Yep! and when it is and various goals are achieved, it will go right back up. Vlads money is probably worth less than half of what it was and his oil is going down the same road.....Cant say I feel sorry for him though...

Now here is a thought, government makes tons of money on vat on petrol/oil products. The price if going down so it is cutting into the money machine of the government. Expect new taxes on petrol and oil products
Now here is a thought, government makes tons of money on vat on petrol/oil products. The price if going down so it is cutting into the money machine of the government. Expect new taxes on petrol and oil products

I notice the Scotts have stopped banging their drum about how wealthy they'd all be now...
I notice the Scotts have stopped banging their drum about how wealthy they'd all be now...

:hysterically_laughi They are 40% poorer in what 2 months. There is talk from oil companies about shutting down some of the wells until the price goes back up. and with shell building this big ship..BBC News - The largest vessel the world has ever seen Could be there will never need to have a oil refinery on land again. Yes this is a lng ship
Mine doesnt have the plate but the paperwork confirms that it is an Autobiography. Maybe somebody took it off years ago? Like I said, Im not bothered by this as Ive always thought an HSE adequate..

if its been to special vehicles as every autobiography/vogue 50 etc has it will have a vin build date/tag on slam panel no exceptions maybe someone just threw a bit of extra paperwork in your documents:confused:none state anything other/more/different than 4.6 hse on the v5
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I notice the Scotts have stopped banging their drum about how wealthy they'd all be now...

Been saying this for the last week or so.............BBC News - UK oil industry facing 'crisis' with price under $60

Scotland would be well fook if independence had gone through.

Oil companies and service providers are cutting staff and investment to save money.
"This has happened before, and the industry adapts, but the adaptation is one of slashing people, slashing projects and reducing costs wherever possible, and that's painful for our staff, painful for companies and painful for the country."

"It's close to collapse. In terms of new investments - there will be none, everyone is retreating, people are being laid off at most companies this week and in the coming weeks. Budgets for 2015 are being cut by everyone."

UK oil and gas production has been in decline since 1999 - though the rate of decline slowed in 2013, a year which saw the highest level of investment on record.

Wonder what Salmond and the SNP have to say? they were warned but Noooooooo they knew better:rolleyes: yeaaaaaaa my arse
scotlands new first minister says she will be calling on the british government for more money.

cheeky cow
The UK government should tell her very politely to PO. If the Scottish government has tax raising powers, let them up the taxes on the Scots if they need more money.
if its been to special vehicles as every autobiography/vogue 50 etc has it will have a vin build date/tag on slam panel no exceptions maybe someone just threw a bit of extra paperwork in your documents:confused:none state anything other/more/different than 4.6 hse on the v5

Nope...The paperwork came from SV. Contract number 10478. Painted BRG including bumpers mirrors and sills. Lincoln green pipping. 3mm coachline.
All confirmed on the chassis number.
No plate though...:confused:
Can only thing a previous owner removed it for some reason.....

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