
Active Member
I did a search but didn't manage to find anything, I've bought some spotlights off the ebay, they didn't come with any instructions, and I'm not particularly great when it comes to electrics. I was wondering if anyone had any instructions for wiring LED lights in or could point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!
First off how many watts are they? Need to work out the amps so you know if you need to use a relay or if they are fine running through a switch, also to know how large a fuse to use.

approx 60 watt is about 5 amps.
Yep thats much better lol though still need to work out the amps to change the fuse. LED spots wont need a 30amp fuse.
ive got same unit on my 52" lightbar! Works a treat :) I just changed the switch for a carling one.
They're 18 watts each, there's two of them.

I like the look of the ready to rock loom, great idea. If I can wire it up myself though I'd rather do that.

So if it's a total of 40(ish) watts then a 5 amp fuse will be sufficient?
Yeah 5 amps plenty. Ive got a 5 amp running a 54watt LED.

If you usea carling switch or other decent switch you should be able to wire it directly into the switch without the need for a relay
its only 3 amp that, I would just wire them into the main beam.

if you don't need to control them separate that's your cheapest option. I am rougher than a bears ass tho
with that said, I don't know the legality of that??? I m sure someone here will know.

the pre made relay kit mentioned above are great, you cant buy the bits separate for the same money and they really are fool proof
Ohm's law, 4 amps.
A little note about LED's, they are critical to voltage, a 12v alternator will charge to 14 volts and if the LED lamps do not incorporate a voltage stabilizer chip the life expectancy of the LED's will diminish.
Relays are the safest way of switching even with such low amperage, if you are making your own loom make sure that the wiring joints are soldered and heat shrunk for weather protection, use rubber gromits if the wiring is going through a panel, "Work lights" must be wired independently from other lighting (headlight)
Wattage devided by voltage gives you 3 amp.

Although led are very sensitive to voltage it is for that reason I have never seen a pre made unit without a stsblisation circuit. They typically operate between 9v and 36v so the 14 from the alternator shouldn't cause any problems.

As said before the pre made relay kit is good and to buy a switch and some wire is about the same price. However if your lights do not have any voltage protection, a relay will not protect them.

Excuse typos I am using my phone
Great that this thread has started, my 90 is fitted with spots & rooflights and I am a d1ck at vehicle elecs. Was already looking at buying the wiring that's linked here.
Mind made up now.

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