a mate of mine uses a camping stove and secures it on the seat next to him, don't know exactly how but at least it helps to defrost the ice on the INSIDE of the cab.....
:confused: Butane stops burning under +4 °C !

I had that problem a couple of winters ago. I was trying to mend burst pipes at a friend's house and it was so cold the gas in my torch wouldn't vaporize. It took ages. The matches wouldn't spark and the gas lighters wouldn't fire up either. The only thing still liquid in the entire house was half a bottle of gin left over from Christmas.
I had that problem a couple of winters ago. I was trying to mend burst pipes at a friend's house and it was so cold the gas in my torch wouldn't vaporize. It took ages. The matches wouldn't spark and the gas lighters wouldn't fire up either. The only thing still liquid in the entire house was half a bottle of gin left over from Christmas.

stick it down your pants or under your armpit for 15 mins to warm it up, and to impress the girlies
whats the best way to adjust heater, my controls seem to click into place and then work own way off setting is this because the cables need adjusting?

Check the control cables in the engine bay, spray the ends where the cables go into the sheath with loads of wd40 and then oil/lubricate. Do the same with the spindle on the heater matrix box.
Has anyone got a good suggestion to stop the push-button type door handles and locks freezing up??

I have never had a problem with the old type handle on the rear door of my 90, and have many times had to go in the back door and climb into the front to get the de-icer to free the front doors handles and locks.:frown:
Defenders shouldn't need much winterising - its more like the driver needs to be winterised. Here's a photo of my Saab 96 V4 outside my apartment when I lived / worked in Finland in 1982-83. Never missed a beat all winter and the only concession to the minus 20-25 C and snow was the legal requirement for winter studded tyres from mid October onwards.

Little bit of snow and the whole of the UK goes down the pan.:)


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My td5 90 hardtop seems to warm up after about two or three miles of driving however it is the steamed up windscreen or re-freezing that is the pain (having to keep stopping to re-antifreeze). I tried leaving it running one morning it took half and hour to get up to temperature idling which is no use and doubt neighbours were impressed either. bought a 12v heater/demister the other day so will see how it works. otherwise I just have to drive for two or three miles without being able to see!
My td5 90 hardtop seems to warm up after about two or three miles of driving however it is the steamed up windscreen or re-freezing that is the pain (having to keep stopping to re-antifreeze). I tried leaving it running one morning it took half and hour to get up to temperature idling which is no use and doubt neighbours were impressed either. bought a 12v heater/demister the other day so will see how it works. otherwise I just have to drive for two or three miles without being able to see!

every landy needs a bit of cloth next to the vents to wipe it all off :D

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