My point is this, people use this forum to ask opinions and research products they may wish to add to their Land Rover, constructive and helpful feedback is what we are looking for. Which some users are ready and willing to give.

The problem is that some knobheads like you find humour and satisfaction in posting pathetic useless replies like the one that I highlighted.

That is all.

You've been a member for more than 2 years....How many of your 12 posts have been helpful and constructive feedback? :rolleyes:

If we all behaved in your exemplary manner this forum would be dead so take your righteous outrage and shove it up yer :censored: you :censored::censored:!!

That is all...
My point is this, people use this forum to ask opinions and research products they may wish to add to their Land Rover, constructive and helpful feedback is what we are looking for. Which some users are ready and willing to give.

The problem is that some knobheads like you find humour and satisfaction in posting pathetic useless replies like the one that I highlighted.

That is all.

You wont like it here. Go elsewhere. Save you trouble in the long run. Thats not all. It never is on LZ.
My point is this, people use this forum to ask opinions and research products they may wish to add to their Land Rover, constructive and helpful feedback is what we are looking for. Which some users are ready and willing to give.

The problem is that some knobheads like you find humour and satisfaction in posting pathetic useless replies like the one that I highlighted.

That is all.
what a tw@t:bored:
My point is this, people use this forum to ask opinions and research products they may wish to add to their Land Rover, constructive and helpful feedback is what we are looking for. Which some users are ready and willing to give.

The problem is that some knobheads like you find humour and satisfaction in posting pathetic useless replies like the one that I highlighted.

That is all.

Me thinks you have come to the wrong shop:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

After careful consideration, and having weighed up the options, my advice and further contribution can be summed up in but 3 words.

Jog on knobhead:p:p:p:p:p
My point is this, people use this forum to ask opinions and research products they may wish to add to their Land Rover, constructive and helpful feedback is what we are looking for. Which some users are ready and willing to give.

The problem is that some knobheads like you find humour and satisfaction in posting pathetic useless replies like the one that I highlighted.

That is all.

You know something .. you're quite right.

So, on your way out, please shut the door quietly, you certainly sound like you'll never fit in 'here'.

Your previous help and contribution to the forum is noted, and is found seriously lacking, so if you practised what you preached rather than having a moan, you may have got along better. As it is, I agree with Grimmer, JOK.
I stand by my comment and opinions, if this is what it's like on here then I guess you guys are right.
Zip up your Donnay Tracksuits, slip on your londsdale slippers, You guys will have a cold walk to the dole office on tuesday, hope you're government heating allowance keeps you warm over the next few days.
I stand by my comment and opinions, if this is what it's like on here then I guess you guys are right.
Zip up your Donnay Tracksuits, slip on your londsdale slippers, You guys will have a cold walk to the dole office on tuesday, hope you're government heating allowance keeps you warm over the next few days.

:confused::confused::confused: are you on drugs:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Well - that response told us didn't it!!!

A bit of advice: go and join another landy forum where you won't get grief for winding up the guys ;) - google is your friend ;)
I stand by my comment and opinions, if this is what it's like on here then I guess you guys are right.
Zip up your Donnay Tracksuits, slip on your londsdale slippers, You guys will have a cold walk to the dole office on tuesday, hope you're government heating allowance keeps you warm over the next few days.

What the fook are you on about?? ya can't afford to run a landy if ya on the Dole FFS!!!

You actually are a f**king idiot aren't you did your mother drop you on ya head. or is it all that spunk you've swallowed over the years, that's rotted your brain.

That int All
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I stand by my comment and opinions, if this is what it's like on here then I guess you guys are right.
Zip up your Donnay Tracksuits, slip on your londsdale slippers, You guys will have a cold walk to the dole office on tuesday, hope you're government heating allowance keeps you warm over the next few days.

Why on earth would you assume all this? Ps leave.
Its out of order for these idiots to be rude :eek:

But sometimes you guys dont realise how little some of us actually understand :eek:

Tyres are a good example, ask on here and they tell you to do a search. All that comes up are loads of threads quoting random makes and numbers which mean absolutely nothing.

See I had a lightbulb moment about this yesterday. I spent the day with a couple of LZ members who were fixing my Landy for MOT.

And they actually explained what the numbers meant. The first one is the width of the tyre, the second the distance from the hole in the middle to the tread and the third the size of the hole in the middle (I think)

In all my years of car ownership I never knew that :eek: I have just read the numbers off the tyre and ask the tyre shops for those :D

And if this is any help to other brainless numpties on here, that means if the first one is too big it wont fit inside the wheel arch, and I assume the same applies to the second. The third is relevant to whether it will fit on your wheel.

On my home I thought of more questions around what difference changing the size of all of these would make etc etc. I am saving these up for the next time my Landy needs some work (assuming they let me go back :D)

Think someone should write a complete idiots guide to tyres and make it a sticky :D
I stand by my comment and opinions, if this is what it's like on here then I guess you guys are right.
Zip up your Donnay Tracksuits, slip on your londsdale slippers, You guys will have a cold walk to the dole office on tuesday, hope you're government heating allowance keeps you warm over the next few days.

Oi todger scoffer! Why do you think you have the right to come on here and change the world?? Fit on or f**k orf!

And all mighty majestic one what are these powers that let you see unto others lives to determine there financial situation or question for which attire we choose you grace ourselves with??
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