Its out of order for these idiots to be rude :eek:

But sometimes you guys dont realise how little some of us actually understand :eek:

Tyres are a good example, ask on here and they tell you to do a search. All that comes up are loads of threads quoting random makes and numbers which mean absolutely nothing.

See I had a lightbulb moment about this yesterday. I spent the day with a couple of LZ members who were fixing my Landy for MOT.

And they actually explained what the numbers meant. The first one is the width of the tyre, the second the distance from the hole in the middle to the tread and the third the size of the hole in the middle (I think)

In all my years of car ownership I never knew that :eek: I have just read the numbers off the tyre and ask the tyre shops for those :D

And if this is any help to other brainless numpties on here, that means if the first one is too big it wont fit inside the wheel arch, and I assume the same applies to the second. The third is relevant to whether it will fit on your wheel.

On my home I thought of more questions around what difference changing the size of all of these would make etc etc. I am saving these up for the next time my Landy needs some work (assuming they let me go back :D)

Think someone should write a complete idiots guide to tyres and make it a sticky :D

But if you actually cared to look, all that information is in every tyre shop, and forum and in many different forms.

When someone simply asks 'what's best' how can anyone answer intelligently? What's best for me might be wrong for them .. with no real life information how can anyone give good advise ... Now if the OP had said I run MT's all year round, but find that (on a particular surface) they don't work, and as this is where I'll be 90% of the time could anyone recommend something that works .. they'd likely get a much better response.

Tyre sizes, width, rims, sidewall %ages and all that gubbins is basic stuff that you need to know and is available anywhere that sells tyres, is available in many forms on the forum and has been discussed in many different ways .. BUT IT GETS F**KING TEDIOUS being asked the same question day, after noob, after day when said noob obviously can;'t be bothered to research the most basic stuff.

When you're face to face it's easier to simply say it than type it all out YET AGAIN. Same as passing lane info on, I don't do it for noobs, but I'll happily take them on a route .. it's up to them how much info they collect and remember on the way ...
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On my walk home I thought of more questions around what difference changing the size of all of these would make etc etc. I am saving these up for the next time my Landy needs some work (assuming they let me go back :D)

Think someone should write a complete idiots guide to tyres and make it a sticky :D

You're right and there's a lot more information than that on the side of a tyre. The reason for no sticky is that all that you have to do is put 'car tyre sizes' into Google and there are loads of sites doing it already.
Make a cuppa before you start though, it's a BIG subject.

This comedy gem and

I stand by my comment and opinions, if this is what it's like on here then I guess you guys are right.
Zip up your Donnay Tracksuits, slip on your londsdale slippers, You guys will have a cold walk to the dole office on tuesday, hope you're government heating allowance keeps you warm over the next few days.

Is the real problem, noobs/knobs trying to change the way the place runs because it doesn't suit them. Peeps are always going to ask tyre questions, its how they deal with the answers that determine how much interaction they have on the forum. 'Bows' (maybe he has pretty bows on his Gaylander or something:confused:) resurrected a 2 year old thread, that had nowt to do with him, and for what, to tell Storm he's a T**t:confused::rolleyes:.

FFS, everyone already knew that, tis VERY old news:p:p:p
Where is storm these days anyway?? He's still around on the book of faces, but I haven't seem him on here for a while??
Where is storm these days anyway?? He's still around on the book of faces, but I haven't seem him on here for a while??

Did wonder about that actually as I was posting, he's not with the Ninja Jock Offal one is he:confused::confused:

I'll bet he's being a T**t though, wherever he is:eek::p:p:p:p:D:D:D:D
Its out of order for these idiots to be rude :eek:

But sometimes you guys dont realise how little some of us actually understand :eek:

Tyres are a good example, ask on here and they tell you to do a search. All that comes up are loads of threads quoting random makes and numbers which mean absolutely nothing.

See I had a lightbulb moment about this yesterday. I spent the day with a couple of LZ members who were fixing my Landy for MOT.

And they actually explained what the numbers meant. The first one is the width of the tyre, the second the distance from the hole in the middle to the tread and the third the size of the hole in the middle (I think)

In all my years of car ownership I never knew that :eek: I have just read the numbers off the tyre and ask the tyre shops for those :D

And if this is any help to other brainless numpties on here, that means if the first one is too big it wont fit inside the wheel arch, and I assume the same applies to the second. The third is relevant to whether it will fit on your wheel.

On my home I thought of more questions around what difference changing the size of all of these would make etc etc. I am saving these up for the next time my Landy needs some work (assuming they let me go back :D)

Think someone should write a complete idiots guide to tyres and make it a sticky :D

Sort of. It tire width(in mm)/profile as a percentage of the width(ie th amount if rubber between the wheel and the road/and the wheel size in inches.
Did wonder about that actually as I was posting, he's not with the Ninja Jock Offal one is he:confused::confused:

I'll bet he's being a T**t though, wherever he is:eek::p:p:p:p:D:D:D:D

:lol: :lol: true

Have you had the pleasure of meeting him? He's actually one of the nicest blokes iv met! But shhh don't tell him that!
What surprises me is the amount of people that think because they have a 4x4 they're invincible in the snow & ice, well they're not.
4x4s are generally heavier, have a higher COG and have longer stopping distances than cars. 4WD might get you up that hill, but it doesn't help when it comes to braking or steering. All it means is you're moving when other cars would probably be stationary.

I've seen countless 4x4s in ditches or upside down buried in trees on Alpine roads, usually because they drive without using Winter Tyres in Alpine conditions.

Anybody that says that their mud tyres are great on snowy/icy conditions are talking out of their arse.
The difference between a proper snowflake winter tyre and an All Terrain is huge in grip terms under 7C.
I rescued a stuck police car using my Landy with Winter Tyres, when a Police Shogun had tried and failed using BFG A/T. The police Shogun could just about move itself, no way could it pull anything, yet I did easily in a 31 year old Series with the right tyres on.
:lol: :lol: true

Have you had the pleasure of meeting him? He's actually one of the nicest blokes iv met! But shhh don't tell him that!

No, never had the pleasure of meeting him, but obviously interacted on here, to be honest I did mean "T**t" as a compliment;):p:p:D:D
Just a quick comment as this seems to be the current thread that people are happy to go off topic and criticise the OP.

I have found that a lot of forums do have a lot of members that spend 90% of their time just criticising people's posts and questions as well as their lack of knowledge. People join forums to ask questions and then hopefully when they gain a good knowledge base are able to offer advice in response to others. Asking advice on tyres power upgrades etc is what newbies do, me included, all they need is constructive responses not comments like use the search button. Not all are familiar with forums and how they work and a little encouragement and help to new members will go a long way.

If the only constructive response you feel you can offer is a criticism or an insult then why not take the chance to do something else and let the newbie get the encouragement from someone else. I know this will put me in the firing line for a lot of you but this is one of the worst forums for hostility to new members I have ever come across. It is unfortunate as there is some very helpfull members and I hope other newbies can see past the initial hostility and offensive responses as I have.
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Just a quick comment as this seems to be the current thread that people are happy to go off topic and criticise the OP.

I have found that a lot of forums do have a lot of members that spend 90% of their time just criticising people's posts and questions as well as their lack of knowledge. People join forums to ask questions and then hopefully when they gain a good knowledge base are able to offer advice in response to others. Asking advice on tyres power upgrades etc is what newbies do, me included, all they need is constructive responses not comments like use the search button. Not all are familiar with forums and how they work and a little encouragement and help to new members will go a long way.

If the only constructive response you feel you can offer is a criticism or an insult then why not take the chance to do something else and let the newbie get the encouragement from someone else. I know this will put me in the firing line for a lot of you but this is one of the worst forums for hostility to new members I have ever come across. It is unfortunate as there is some very helpfull members and I hope other newbies can see past the initial hostility and offensive responses as I have.

Fook orf......:rolleyes:
Just a quick comment as this seems to be the current thread that people are happy to go off topic and criticise the OP.

I have found that a lot of forums do have a lot of members that spend 90% of their time just criticising people's posts and questions as well as their lack of knowledge. People join forums to ask questions and then hopefully when they gain a good knowledge base are able to offer advice in response to others. Asking advice on tyres power upgrades etc is what newbies do, me included, all they need is constructive responses not comments like use the search button. Not all are familiar with forums and how they work and a little encouragement and help to new members will go a long way.

If the only constructive response you feel you can offer is a criticism or an insult then why not take the chance to do something else and let the newbie get the encouragement from someone else. I know this will put me in the firing line for a lot of you but this is one of the worst forums for hostility to new members I have ever come across. It is unfortunate as there is some very helpfull members and I hope other newbies can see past the initial hostility and offensive responses as I have.
It seems that you really haven't looked past the hostility.
Just a quick comment as this seems to be the current thread that people are happy to go off topic and criticise the OP.

I have found that a lot of forums do have a lot of members that spend 90% of their time just criticising people's posts and questions as well as their lack of knowledge. People join forums to ask questions and then hopefully when they gain a good knowledge base are able to offer advice in response to others. Asking advice on tyres power upgrades etc is what newbies do, me included, all they need is constructive responses not comments like use the search button. Not all are familiar with forums and how they work and a little encouragement and help to new members will go a long way.

If the only constructive response you feel you can offer is a criticism or an insult then why not take the chance to do something else and let the newbie get the encouragement from someone else. I know this will put me in the firing line for a lot of you but this is one of the worst forums for hostility to new members I have ever come across. It is unfortunate as there is some very helpfull members and I hope other newbies can see past the initial hostility and offensive responses as I have.

It isn't the OP that anyone has a problem with, see post 13;);)

In my experience most noobs are told to search, and they only really get any grief if they start chucking their toys out of the pram and abusing people, once they(noobs) start giving grief then they only have themselves to blame when they get torn a new arsehole;)
I stand by my comment and opinions, if this is what it's like on here then I guess you guys are right.
Zip up your Donnay Tracksuits, slip on your londsdale slippers, You guys will have a cold walk to the dole office on tuesday, hope you're government heating allowance keeps you warm over the next few days.

Dear Mr Bows,
You are a complete c**k! Having read all of your posts you are clearly a clueless f**kwit that has nothing to offer! Plus you are a bit of a hypercrit as half of your post count is slagging people off! So do us all a favour and feck orf:D
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Let me get this right, if someone asks a Land Rover related question on here, he/she should not be expecting helpful and useful advice, instead of that, what they should expect is useless abuse and criticism. Correct?

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