
New Member
hi,weve had the landy for a few weeks now ,how easy(or not) is it to change the windscreen rubber as the one thats on is perished,also it came with spotlights on the front but the wires were just poked through the grill, is there a wiring kit out there that anyone knows about.


bellabuster(thats the mutt) says hi.
it's very easy to change the windowscreen rubber but others will have a different method to mine

it just requires the use of a brick or other largish stone and a phone call to autoglass, and if you have a tame female to call for you apprently they come and fit it quicker
i had to replace the windscreen on a discovery once and autoglass quoted me over £300, shopped around a bit and got it done by rac windscreens for a little over £100. prob coulda had it done even cheaper if i had the patience to ring a few more.
I remember LROI doing a piece on fitting a heated screen to a defender (or was it LRM?)- check out their back issues, or Email for a copy of that issue (Only £3 ish)

I think they cut out the old screen carefully with a knife, and with 2 people lifted it out. Then lubricated the new seal rubber, and used nylon cord as a bed in the seal where the glass goes. After getting the screen set in the bottom channel, the cord was pulled out which lifted the seal over the glass, and continued all round till all of it was out.

I may be completely wrong, but sounds like it would work.

(- Wrong again I'm a afraid - they called a garage for that bit !)

However, Swag298 on another forum recommends this -

Washing up liquid, a long piece of string.

Fit the rubber to the glass.
Fit string in the groove of the seal all the way round, with long ends hanging out the bottom centre.
Lube the inner lip of the seal with washing up liquid.
Fit the rubber over the bottom of the windscreen frame.
Have a helper apply some pressure to the outside of the screen and rubber.
Sit in the cab and pull on the ends of the string to work the seal lip through the frame until the seal lip is through the frame, and you've pulled the string out.


Also, make sure the seal is warm by placing in a bag and immersing in very hot water, and use silicone oil as a lubricant. - go to any PVC window manufacturer, and ask them for one of their old seal tubs - they usually have loads of silicone oil left in there-as this is what they use.

Find a nozzle from a tube of silicone to help put the cord in the seal ( very similar to mega expencive professional tool)
I remember LROI doing a piece on fitting a heated screen to a defender (or was it LRM?)- check out their back issues, or Email for a copy of that issue (Only £3 ish)

I think they cut out the old screen carefully with a knife, and with 2 people lifted it out. Then lubricated the new seal rubber, and used nylon cord as a bed in the seal where the glass goes. After getting the screen set in the bottom channel, the cord was pulled out which lifted the seal over the glass, and continued all round till all of it was out.

I may be completely wrong, but sounds like it would work.

Aye the cord in the seal is an old un. and works really well Oh and Halfrauds do a spotlamp wiring kit for a tenner.
Tis it's a piece of **** with two of yer. As Rowan sez Just put a thin piece of cord round the inside of the rubber where the glass will eventually go, sit the glass in the bottom run of the seal and push the glass into place as you pull the cord out, working from both sides at the same time
i used the string trick on me xj6 ,problem was it was so tight i used a rubber hammer...hence 2 second hand screens ;) ( btw ,local paint shop fitted second one for a tenner)
That link with the photos was a beaut thanks busterbus! Good timing for me too as I was considering the brick and autoglass 50 quid route too!

Ok - how do you get the existing glass out easily without breakin it?
That link with the photos was a beaut thanks busterbus! Good timing for me too as I was considering the brick and autoglass 50 quid route too!

Ok - how do you get the existing glass out easily without breakin it?
Nae probs. Dunno, but Ah dare say ye could cut the rubber wi' a stanley knife.
take the center out yer rubber then get a mate to sit in yer passenger seat and you in the drivers seat. get all four feet on the window and push
ok,gulp ,time to have a go, spose if i knacker it i can allways call insurance and pay the 50 quid.
At least the spotlights will be esy enough to wire in.


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