
Hi all, I've been given some wolf door tops to replace my orignals which are about ready to fall out, one of the door tops is complete, the other however is a bare frame, though i do have the glass
Ive been having a bit of a look, i have found the studs reasonably easily, and i have seen a couple of places listing the lock however im struggling to find anything else besides the replacement rubber seal kit.
I have found the below image and from what i can tell, i need certainly #3 and possibly #17 there may be other bits, but off the top of my head thats it.
Would anyone be able to suggest somewhere that might sell these parts?

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If you have got the windows then #7 would have been stuck on the bottom of the front window.
Yes you will need #3
The #9 is a little piece of nylon that is the runner for the window - these are the bits that wear and allow the windows to rattle. Will need probably 4 of them per door. Got some stupid name like cyl block.
Thanks for the response.
Apologies, i will edit my post, that should say 17, not 7.
Ah, I will go looking for those as well then, would you know of anywhere that would sell bits, #3 is probably the biggest priority at the moment, i can allways design and print the little bits such as #9.
I didn’t think it was possible to get number 3 so if craddocks have them in stock go with that. I do not recognise number 17 unless it is the rubber bump stop for the sliding window but don’t think it is. And I have rebuilt both the front and rear Ali door tops for my 110. But I will have a look in The morning.
Number 17 is the glazing felt MWC4757
If it is the glazing felt that is why I don't recognise it, I buy it by the metre from Woolies trim for pennies rather paying a fortune for something with a part number!

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