
just a thought from left field but, as some parts are becoming harder (or impossible) to source, I was considering 3D printing some of these.

has anyone tried this with this part ? Or if I go ahead and CAD the thing up would anyone else be interested in them ?

Just think it might be a possible solution to the ‘obsolete parts’ issue which I’m coming across a fair bit.


Hi, I'm interested and can help. I've got a printer that can print carbon and my CAD skills are not up to doing the STL file. I'm happy to print out and make sets available for cost plus p&p. I have to import the NylonX (carbon filament) from USA unless there is any in the UK. It's been gathering dust for a year for various reasons but mainly being crap at CAD

just a thought from left field but, as some parts are becoming harder (or impossible) to source, I was considering 3D printing some of these.

has anyone tried this with this part ? Or if I go ahead and CAD the thing up would anyone else be interested in them ?

Just think it might be a possible solution to the ‘obsolete parts’ issue which I’m coming across a fair bit.


If you use my method for removing the lower windscreen trim, they do not break:cool:
And I need to change the screen as I have a chip on the passenger side and the drivers heated side has failed....
And I need to change the screen as I have a chip on the passenger side and the drivers heated side has failed....
Auto windscreens did mine on the insurance cost me£70 excess and they fitted new top and bottom trims which came with new clips.;)
And I need to change the screen as I have a chip on the passenger side and the drivers heated side has failed....
I also had fun and games with the driver's side heated screen.there is a relay that is energised when ignition is on that sends power to relay5 which switches to power the passenger side of the window and also relay 4 which switches to power the driver's side of the window.:rolleyes: sure I posted if you do a search which will give the relay numbers.;):D
Thanks Alan - I'll have a look later / tomorrow and see if I can sort it. It would be nice to fix it before the crappy weather kicks in
Sorry, have been busy and just getting back to this now.
I’ll try and model a clip in CAD and do a few test printings for size/scale and see how it goes. Happy to share the file once it works !

Autoglass did my windscreen but I now get hellish noise at 65+ mph from the top trim. I think I need to go back to them
Not a job i wanted to do, was either do it myself or scrap it :( Doing it yourself gives you the time to do it properly. If the chip is repairable id repair rather than replace. I chose to replace with non heated version and disconnect the wiring as the scuttle will be off anyway, so i have spares if you break them. Non heated screen is far lighter and much much cheaper than the original.
Bottom trim slid out no problem then got the clips out later, lost my patience with top trim and ripped it off in anger. clips are fragile they dont need to be strong to hold it in. i reused most of them and bonded the bit i buckled back on with the windscreen bond and clamped it overnight.
No leaks or whistling but the trims buckle very easily so gently bently
Not a job i wanted to do, was either do it myself or scrap it :( Doing it yourself gives you the time to do it properly. If the chip is repairable id repair rather than replace. I chose to replace with non heated version and disconnect the wiring as the scuttle will be off anyway, so i have spares if you break them. Non heated screen is far lighter and much much cheaper than the original.
Bottom trim slid out no problem then got the clips out later, lost my patience with top trim and ripped it off in anger. clips are fragile they dont need to be strong to hold it in. i reused most of them and bonded the bit i buckled back on with the windscreen bond and clamped it overnight.
No leaks or whistling but the trims buckle very easily so gently bently
Yup,my fitter wouldn't fit the one supplied to him because it was damaged,had to wait a week for the replacement but worth it.;)
Make sure you have windscreen cover and throw a piece of ceramic (old spark plug does it apparently - but not sure if that's an old wives tale) at the glass that needs replacing. Then make the phone call...
Make sure you have windscreen cover and throw a piece of ceramic (old spark plug does it apparently - but not sure if that's an old wives tale) at the glass that needs replacing. Then make the phone call...
Luckily mine cracked in the passenger side bottom corner and the Boss said have you seen this and pressed and the crack shot across the screen.;):D

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