If you have millions of pounds to spend, try RED WINCHES. They are awesome looking, fitted to lots of the newer military vehicles ( Mastiff, Ridgeback, etc)
Bloody expensive though...
Red winches do look really good. I'm looking at replacing mine with one, just cant justify £1500 quid for the base model and thats without pump, hydraulic lines and winch cable.
Jeez......can of worms comes to mind here......

still undecided which is best then, hand winch, hydraulic or leccy??????

just want a winch which will get me out of most situations.
Me bruvs got a supper winch on his fender he reconds its ok pulled him out of the **** on more than one occation but did kill his first one using it while it was under water/mud
How about you go **** yourself....

I never said an electric winch was superior, the OP asked about a winch for "the front" of his RRC....that would imply that he's asking about a bumper mounted winch and not a hand winch.

If I recall, you said something very similar when I specifically asked about an electric winch for myself!!!!
get a tirfor will work in ALL situations.And coupe up there will soon reliaise we helped him but he still thinks we are cocks.AND he thinks lr4x4 is good.What a cum guzzler.
How about you go **** yourself....

I never said an electric winch was superior, the OP asked about a winch for "the front" of his RRC....that would imply that he's asking about a bumper mounted winch and not a hand winch.

If I recall, you said something very similar when I specifically asked about an electric winch for myself!!!!

yes he did but he also asked

Hi, apologies if this has been asked already :confused:
I am planning on getting a winch for the front of my classic RR but being a novice in this field have no idea which is best either for value/reliability/use.
Any suggestions?????

and then
Jeez......can of worms comes to mind here......

still undecided which is best then, hand winch, hydraulic or leccy??????

just want a winch which will get me out of most situations.

Looking at the OPs profile pic he has got a RRC with a standard front bumper so that would need to be replaced with a winch bumper to fit a winch

so in terms of value a tirfor will be cheaper than a bumper and winch unit (hydraulic or electric)

reliability again a tirfor is very simple and doesnt mind getting wet unlike electric winches that should be serviced after wading (more than likely kept in the RR unless used)

use because a tirfor is not on the front or rear bumper it has more uses than a front or rear mounted elec/hydraulic winch

I know it doesnt look as bling and wont be as cool as having a winch bumper and fat tyres in your mcdonalds car park but overall for someone who is a novice and unlikely to use it all the time the tirfor is probably the best overall option.

If the OP thinks a front mounted winch is the best option for him there is also advice for that too (Warn/PTO/Red) depending on budget

now put your dummy back in or **** off back to LR4x4 :mooning: :5bgrouphug:
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I've got a goodwinch TDS from David Bowyer, he imports them from kingone winches in china.
People seem to think , chinese it must be crap, but it's not where the winch is made, it's what spec it's made to .

When I stripped it to waterproof , the build quality looked good.
Give him a ring, no hard sell but loads of advice, he can go on a bit though :D

I used the tirfor once, the disco had slid into a tree on a slide slope, took ages ****in about with it for a simple recovery.

Maybe if your in the middle of nowhere and life depends on it, then tirfor everytime, but for a quick easy recovery , it's leccy for me :) .
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