
New Member
Spec: 1997 2.5 200'000 miles Auto with lots of issues but first things first :D

Starts O.K but accelerator will not work ! after warm up it may rev freely but under load nowt :confused: after a few days of internet searching the only possible culprit I can find is throttle potentiometer Is there a way of testing as expensive to replace if it's not the problem.

3 Amigos also on dash may be related to above ?

Dodgy battery output with brand new tractor battery ?

Has been running faultlessly by previous owner (neighbour) for 2 years but badly maintained and I hope to save it

I have diagnostics for P38 petrol and saving for the diesel module so can't do anything with diag's yet

Any advice will be most appreciated
Spec: 1997 2.5 200'000 miles Auto with lots of issues but first things first :D

Starts O.K but accelerator will not work ! after warm up it may rev freely but under load nowt :confused: after a few days of internet searching the only possible culprit I can find is throttle potentiometer Is there a way of testing as expensive to replace if it's not the problem.

3 Amigos also on dash may be related to above ?

Dodgy battery output with brand new tractor battery ?

Has been running faultlessly by previous owner (neighbour) for 2 years but badly maintained and I hope to save it

I have diagnostics for P38 petrol and saving for the diesel module so can't do anything with diag's yet

Any advice will be most appreciated
Two recent cases have been due to (if I remember correctly) the fuel temperature sensor in the FIP.
Diagnostics is the way forward, but first check engine to chassis earth strap and the voltage at the battery with the engine running. Faulty new batteries are not unknown.
Many Thanks
This morning have replaced fuse box as it smelt of burning, battery still charging up so hope to check that later.
On disassembly of fuse box it was in bad shape but not convinced it will sort the acceleration problem. I have also noticed top of fip must have been removed before as a slotted bolt is where security bolt was.
Ideas welcome please :)
It is noted as Keith says that this scenario has been linked to a failed fuel temp sensor in injection pump. Although quite how it has that effect i do not know. If fuel temp sensor fails the ECU is supposed to revert to a preset which should allow the engine to continue to run but without fine fuel adjustment. The top has most likely been removed to cure a seal leak. Removing this section of the pump is without penalty, replacing the fuel temp sensor is easy. Removing the next section down needs fine adjustment on reassembly.
Thanks Wammers
Checked out wiring at EDC plug and found that fuel temp sensor wire has been cut pin 35 I think ? anyway the last pin middle row yellow / Red so suspicious that fuel temp sensor is not the problem as running well like that before i got it.
Fitted a donor battery and started after a few cranks the 3 amigos now gone and battery showing 14.2 volts with full load. Bloody freezing hands are numb and in for a cuppa :mad:
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Thanks Wammers
Checked out wiring at EDC plug and found that fuel temp sensor wire has been cut pin 35 I think ? anyway the last pin middle row yellow / Red so suspicious that fuel temp sensor is not the problem as running well like that before i got it.
Fitted a donor battery and started after a few cranks the 3 amigos now gone and battery showing 14.2 volts with full load. Bloody freezing hands are numb and in for a cuppa :mad:

As i said, i don't know how the fuel temp sensor can cause that particular problem. I would think it can't, but others have claimed it does. Pin 35 ECU. Pins 5 and 6 fuel pump connector. 5, Brown/Green. 6, Grey. Red/Yellow is wiper for fuel quantity servo you will definitely want that to be connected or you WILL get your problem. Pin 21 ECU. Pin 1 on pump connector. What year is your car i am looking a 97 diagrams. 99 on maybe different. No as you were they are the same.
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As i said, i don't know how the fuel temp sensor can cause that particular problem. I would think it can't, but others have claimed it does. Pin 35 ECU. Pins 5 and 6 fuel pump connector. 5, Brown/Green. 6, Grey.

Cheers for that info :)

In your opinion would the accelerator sensor cause the problem as in post #1 ?
Forgot to say in my last post i removed top of fip and sensor is present the other stuff looks scary :eek:
Cheers for that info :)

In your opinion would the accelerator sensor cause the problem as in post #1 ?
Forgot to say in my last post i removed top of fip and sensor is present the other stuff looks scary :eek:

See the additions to the post.
Cant believe the bodges people will do to try and overcome a prob :mad:

Can't think of a problem you could overcome by cutting that wire. Create one for sure but solve one never. Does the bloke you bought it off not like you. Or is he testing your ability? :D:D:D
Can't think of a problem you could overcome by cutting that wire. Create one for sure but solve one never. Does the bloke you bought it off not like you. Or is he testing your ability? :D:D:D

I am begining to wonder the very same :D
Well to be honest the problem has existed in the last few months he owned it but intermitently.
He did not want to pay anyone to fix it so brought a Shogun and just wanted a few bob back he recently spent on tyres :D

All wiring now sorted and giving in for the day and mulling over if i should change the fuel temp sensor before i put the top back on ?? Cheap enough but can only find one in Latvia on the bay
A few pics of the bodge


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