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Will me doing only 2 miles a day srew up my battery?
I wonder how many miles are actually needed to keep the battery fully charged and in good condition.
I'm sure it's no exact science, but does anyone know?
Thank you

ps: Does the alternator charge the battery when the car is sat ticking over?
A good half-hour drive should give it a solid charge.

Here are a few tips to quickly restore a battery using this method.

1. Drive at a constant speed (highway driving) versus stop-and go (city driving). This will give the alternator an opportunity to charge more evenly.
2. Turn off all accessories (radio, air conditioner, etc.).
3. If possible, drive during the day. Even headlights use power. Having them off increases the amount of electricity going to the battery.

Remember, this does not replace charging the battery. A car's alternator is not designed to fully restore a depleted battery, but rather to maintain a healthy one. As soon as possible, put your battery on a battery charger, and a give it a full charge for a day or two.
Thank you very much....

Forgot to mention, i had to purchased a new battery this morning !
Only had it 8 months or so, and wondered if my recent low mileage was perhaps the cause, or at least a good contributing factor.
A good half-hour drive should give it a solid charge.

Here are a few tips to quickly restore a battery using this method.

1. Drive at a constant speed (highway driving) versus stop-and go (city driving). This will give the alternator an opportunity to charge more evenly.
2. Turn off all accessories (radio, air conditioner, etc.).
3. If possible, drive during the day. Even headlights use power. Having them off increases the amount of electricity going to the battery.

Remember, this does not replace charging the battery. A car's alternator is not designed to fully restore a depleted battery, but rather to maintain a healthy one. As soon as possible, put your battery on a battery charger, and a give it a full charge for a day or two.
where'd yer cut n paste that gem from??

so all these times i've jump started me car and just drove off, yer telling me my alternator dint charge the battery? so who sneeked around and put my battery on charge and reinstalled it before i next used me car?

and did they remember to put the light out when they had finished?
i tend to agree wiv ya Slob - but it dont do any harm, if yu can, after getting a FLAT battery - to put it on an off-car charge as soon as possible.
me grandad allways said that if yer only doing lots of short trips to give yer battery a charge orf the mains once a week, specially this weather cos yer batt wunt get enough charge via the alt during the trip to put make in what starting took out
Well I drive to work and back every day in the dark with lights and wipers when its wet ad even use me lectric front screen when I need to and have never hadf a bat flattery.
yer granda was probably used to dynamos , which was crap. today's alternators can kick out enough power to supply a small to medium 3rd world country if unregulated
it wus an austin agro - i still think he was sorta right, a 2 mile trip would take less than 10 minutes max, probably a lot less, if you've got your fan/lights/heated window thingy on surely yer alternator would struggle to keep the batt fully charged ?
what's your BMI ?
No its a landy not a BM.

BMI? Never worked it out. I'm 5'9 and 89KG so you tell me. I know - I should walk there but why walk when you can drive sort of defeats the whole point of inventing the wheel dunnit?

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