No its a landy not a BM.

BMI? Never worked it out. I'm 5'9 and 89KG so you tell me. I know - I should walk there but why walk when you can drive sort of defeats the whole point of inventing the wheel dunnit?

Ooh you is walking straight into Lardy Baron territory there:D :eek:
The thing is that these BMI things dont account for some of us that are 'heavy boned'. Couple that with my extremelly muscular frame and yes the BMI might not work out favourably but theres always an exception and thats me!
But you are still thinking about 'normal' people what about heavier built people. Does Jonah Lomu fit into tose figures? I doubt it.
The thing is that these BMI things dont account for some of us that are 'heavy boned'. Couple that with my extremelly muscular frame and yes the BMI might not work out favourably but theres always an exception and thats me!

yer i was told that the other day when i had me fire brigade medical, which is fortunate seeing as i am 6'5" and 112Kg - which is the same stats as that Evander Hollyfield bloke and you can't call him chuby
Yep I agree With sean

when i leave our other vehicles at home for more than a week - stick them on a trickle charge with the attached defender it has a main turnkey and that gets turned off at the end of every weekend

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