I was impressed you didn't explode once as a bunch of strangers tried to figure out how to put up your tent in a dark field in the middle of nowhere :p:D:D

Could of been worse. It could've been some tree hugging, sandle wearing, long haired hippy type trying to put a tent away in broad daylight and failing miserably. :D:D:D

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The husband, vilguy, has brought another landrover, a 90, he say's it is for me, (we'll see, the last two he came home with he said the same thing and I haven't even had so much as a sniff at them, he has an addiction!!) so I thought I would join up and see what all the excitement is about! :cheer2:

How romantic, vilguy chose my user name for me too awwww:lvheart-119:

So hi every one I'm the wifey!

Welcome to the club.
We are going to go and pick up her 90 this weekend.

What colour are you wanting to do it Samin?
Sorry every one, I'm not being rude, 3 children and the summer holidays = days and nights role into one! Thank you for all my welcomes, especially from those strange tree hugging people that helped put the tent up at 1 am! When you have lived with paul you learn to role with it and take each minute as it comes as you never know what crazy thing he is up to now so arriving at 1 am with lots of drunk tree hugging tent putting up professionals is quite an every day thing lol :D:p:D
Sorry every one, I'm not being rude, 3 children and the summer holidays = days and nights role into one! Thank you for all my welcomes, especially from those strange tree hugging people that helped put the tent up at 1 am! When you have lived with paul you learn to role with it and take each minute as it comes as you never know what crazy thing he is up to now so arriving at 1 am with lots of drunk tree hugging tent putting up professionals is quite an every day thing lol :D:p:D

Putting tents up is easy, it's taking them down again I struggle with :oops:
Ello Mrs , you make sure you're the one driving that landy project, or it won't get done:D
And a little advice to Vilguy ....if at first you don't succeed , do it the way your wife told you!;)
Ello Mrs , you make sure you're the one driving that landy project, or it won't get done:D
And a little advice to Vilguy ....if at first you don't succeed , do it the way your wife told you!;)

heh, hi, is this experience talking! I think I am lucky and it doesn't need a huge amount doing to it, I won't let it be one of those projects that gets put to the back burner I want it ready for the next meet up! :)
Ello Mrs , you make sure you're the one driving that landy project, or it won't get done:D
And a little advice to Vilguy ....if at first you don't succeed , do it the way your wife told you!;)

Oh I know my place

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