Just be thankful it wasn't a couple of kids, curious about the stack of tyres:eek::eek::eek:
Think you're **** out of sympathy on here
+1, beat me to it. If a moving vehicle hits a stationary one its the moving vehicle driver's fault.Man up, you are lucky it wasn't a 6foot 19stone angry man in the Honda rather than a nippy wench.:)
BTW, it is a road as it is open to the public, just like Tesco etc, it doesn't need to be a tarred surface to constitute a road.
Easily done I suppose, pretty sure we've all reversed at sometime thinking it was clear.
Main thing nobody hurt, I'd just admit it and get it sorted ASAP..;)
The OP doesn't really give a flying frick whether you're on his side or not, he's got work to do and a living to make. Don't worry, I'll be back later to answer each and every one of your points. Oh no, hold on, I've got a life to live! But if I can be assed I might head back over with my early morning cuppa.

Is it alright if I go back to work now.

I dunno how the windows and mirrors are on Dom's car, but surely it would be possible to see a car behind you? I can see something as large as a car behind me, even with the back full of furniture. I'd be mortified if I'd backed into somebody's car and done that. What I do worry about is if there's a small child behind me, out of view of the mirrors and below the back window line of sight. You read about so many cases where people have hit kids whilst reversing, it doesn't bear thinking about.
Wonder what type of a thread the OP would have written if a lorry had reversed into scratchy whilst he was parked and then the bloke refused to admit responsibility and said he was going to try to blame it all on the OP as there were no witnesses :rolleyes:

If this delayed the repair of scratchy and added to the hassle of life with no vehicle ....wonder if he'd think that was ok :rolleyes:
I'm sure someone on here could find out the lady's name and address and point out this thread to her anonymously.

Not that I'm suggesting anyone abuse the PNC or anyfink ;)
I'm sure someone on here could find out the lady's name and address and point out this thread to her anonymously.

Not that I'm suggesting anyone abuse the PNC or anyfink ;)

Well, the number's there for all the world to see. About 5 mins work for Fanatic, I reckon.
I dunno how the windows and mirrors are on Dom's car, but surely it would be possible to see a car behind you?

In the past I would have a greed, but since owning my Disco then no, such a small car up the arse of the Landy when the Landy itself is full of tyres obstructing the view. You'd not see it.

No excuse for us all assuming it's clear to manoeuvre. We should all be careful out there :(
Probably didn't help that the arse-hole in question had the back of the 109 filled with tyres, the woman obviously parked where you parked because you thought you were special……if your handbrake didn't work you could have fixed it or left the vehicle in low first with the handbrake on in the car park if really needed, all your fault no escaping this one
Speaking of people having accidents and coming on here looking for sympathy does anyone remember that classic Landyzone thread a few years ago where someone had been working underneath his Landy in the twilight with his feet sticking out into the road and another motorist had run over them? You might think a person would want to get to hospital after that, but no, he came on here and tried to enlist other contributors into a rant about women drivers. Does anyone remember the one I mean? I've searched for it but can't find it any more.
:(Can't understand why any one would want to tell the world that they had done this,pay up and look big, get over it, only one person at fault here.
Oh my life, I knew this place was filled with self-ritious opinionated ####tards but didn't realise it was this bad. There's people here I've made bacon butties for referring to me as the 'OP'. I'm not reading through the whole thread again now as I have better things to do with my life but I reckon there's just on poster who actually gets the point. If my hangover is worse tomorrow then I might pen a fuller reply. Have a nice day now.
I love it when people post threads (and don't get the answer they want) and then spit their dummy.

Oh my life, I knew this place was filled with self-ritious opinionated ####tards but didn't realise it was this bad. There's people here I've made bacon butties for referring to me as the 'OP'. I'm not reading through the whole thread again now as I have better things to do with my life but I reckon there's just on poster who actually gets the point. If my hangover is worse tomorrow then I might pen a fuller reply. Have a nice day now.

Well I've had a bacon sarnie off you so I guess im one of theself-opinionated ####tards to whom you are refering. I referred to you as the OP as its quicker than writing scratchydom. Point is ...you seriously were out of line with this thread and whilst I get it feels like its just compounding a really crap event of the actual bump and then to have
it heaped on you on here too....its all a bit ****e...but take a breath and actually read the posts and take the message from them...they all get how it happened, they get the frustration, they get the "there but for the grace of God go I thing BUT they think you're in the wrong for not accepting responsibility.
Now all I hope was the breakfast from the farm shop was nice and that the friend for whom you were making breakfast appreciated it and showed her appreciation ;)
I wouldn't worry too much if I were you Dom, we all make mistakes and every now and then those mistakes go 'crunch'.

Her attitude may have been a bit crap but then she was contemplating her folded bonnet which is usually enough for most people to turn off the 'rational switch'......if not press the 'psycho button' :eek: Not much to be done really other than hold yer hands up and say 'Buggerit that wuz my fault' and sort it out.

Anyway, whats up with yer handbrake? Oil or parts? I've got about 1 1/2 complete handbrake assemblies kicking around if you need bits.

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