Has anyone else got a green Disco? Has it also got mud on it? If you have you've nicked my colour scheme and I'll get a mardy on if I see it!

Can't believe he couldn't get a minor (the most minor) ****-take .. 's a good job he didn't ask if XYZ tyres fitted ... ;)
if yer actually look at the pics theyre so different it really says how thick his friends are if they cant tell them apart.
I had one of them moments with a disco that looked like mine in tesco a few weeks back.
I looked at him he looked at me so i did the first thing that came to mind.
I shouts. "SNAP"

But he didn't let me keep it The spoil sport
Has anyone else got a green Disco? Has it also got mud on it? If you have you've nicked my colour scheme and I'll get a mardy on if I see it!

I did have Paul, but i saw yours and thought better of it and painted it black, sorry for ever having the gall to try and emulate you:eek:
I think he's jealous cos the other one looks better with the real wheel arches rather than the ****ty rubber matting chief ****wits used…..
I don't see the problem here,are they even the same blue? The thing about landys is they may seem the same to joe public,but their all different in their own way. I have a black disco with a winch bumper and bigger tyres.If I went out thinking I was the only one Id need locking away
I think the op's is so great I'mm gonna chop 20" off the heap of ****e 110 and turn it into a 90 then copy all his mods and paint it th same colour. Wonder where he gets his diesel from? cos I wanna fill up from the same pump.. :D
Has anyone else got a green Disco? Has it also got mud on it? If you have you've nicked my colour scheme and I'll get a mardy on if I see it!

Can't believe he couldn't get a minor (the most minor) ****-take .. 's a good job he didn't ask if XYZ tyres fitted ... ;)
Ive got a green disco with mud on it,welsh mud. if ur muds not welsh am i in the clear ?

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