C'mon man, how old are you?

Have a laugh. thats the whole point...

Do u not realise how devastating it is when someone paints there grill the same colour as yours

Hang on come to think of it mines black and so is the guy in the nxt village hhe bastid has only gone n copied mine
Somebodys got well upset over there gay silver grill that they felt the need to pm me

Some people really need to get a grip on reality and grow up
No ive never seen yours man... I just thought ive never seen a defender with a black grill and light surrounds... so thought it would be cool to do something nobody else had! evidently i was wrong :(
No ive never seen yours man... I just thought ive never seen a defender with a black grill and light surrounds... so thought it would be cool to do something nobody else had! evidently i was wrong :(

How wrong were we eh there cant be that many fenders with black grills hopefully
well if i hear or see of another one im going to spray mine pink! dont anybody be taking my ideas either!!!
:eek: :confused: Im quite ****ed off meself actually.....there is little blue micras everywhere... some of em have the balls to have the same E on the right hand side of the boot.. bastids :mad: :D

No way u must be absoulutely gutted to have a micra all this time then to find out its not the only one in that colour/spec
yeah cuz ur funny as **** mate ****er!

HAHA if you cant take any jokes my friend then this isnt the forum for you.
You come on here with a bull**** thread like you have and expect to be taken serious??

LOL get a grip and dont cry because someone has the same as you.

Fkkin cry baby
HAHA if you cant take any jokes my friend then this isnt the forum for you.
You come on here with a bull**** thread like you have and expect to be taken serious??

LOL get a grip and dont cry because someone has the same as you.

Fkkin cry baby

Steady br u will get pm from him if your not carefull
I don't know - it seems like a compliment really. Some bloke was impressed enough with what you've done to your wagon to actually try and replicate it. That's high praise really.
No way u must be absoulutely gutted to have a micra all this time then to find out its not the only one in that colour/spec

Aye, some of em are disguised with an S but they are still the same fookin colour... so I know they is really copyin off me and that they cant find an E to stick on. :(

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