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our old series 2a (aka albert) sits on the side the road outside the house and today while we were all out during broad daylight a couple kids decide to force the door knackering the lock and handle!!!!:mad: there's not much in the vehicle itself but why do they do it??
anyone who's driven a series landy will know that its not easy!!!!!!!lol:eek: scared the crap out of me when i 1st brought it home from the prevoius owner!!! if they managed to start it with all its clever home made immobiliser how far do you reckon they would have got??
They do it because they can. If they get caught they get a slap on the wrist or an asbo which they brag about to their mates.Lack of discipline and appropriate punishment is the problem. If you catch them and do anything to them it's you who ends up in trouble because the precious little scrotes had a bad upbringing and have to be indulged. I was never in the army, only the cadets, but I'm sure a dose of National Service would sort the youth of today out.
if i catch people bloody hell do i give them a mouth full, a while back i live on a small country lane and a guy in a old rusty vw van. was stopping outside all the houses on are road and having a look in the garden. i was in the garage at the time and saw what he was doing. so i followed him and he did exactly the same on the next house just stopped on there driveway looked around the garden got back in and drove off. when he stopped at the next house i walked up to his drivers door and opened it. and said wtf do you think your doing this is all private property and i have your number plate and you wernt only seen by me as i had 2 other people in the garden at the time. his excuse............... o sorry im just delivering yellow pages he handed me a old, out of date, open not in the wrapper yellow pages and sped off still got his number plate written down.
Leave the transfer (& overdrive if it has one) in neutral, and they probably won't move!
mines always parked in neutral, on both, makes a right noise if yer rev to pull off with no drive, the youth of today will have no idea how to drive a series2 any hows, me old chap caught a guy years ago,( when he were still alive mind) told him to turn round carefully , the lad turned round to see me old man with a 12 bore, the lad screams dont shoot, so hi didnt, he hit him with it instead ! i hate car crime , specialy our landys, we all work so hard to keep them then in seconds some tw@ makes a mess of them.
the youth of today will have no idea how to drive a series2 any hows,

Wanna bet? :p:p

I'm sure a dose of National Service would sort the youth of today out.

Disagree, All you will get is us "youth" ****ed off with the government, and full of aggression. The only way i can see if capital punishment, tougher prisons, the cane being brought back. The "system" is too easy now, they need something to fear.
Wanna bet? :p:pquote]

;) thers exceptions mate, my first car were a landy and i int had nothing else since,
but am saying bout the chav car theivers that are round ere, they dont even seem to be able to change gear in ther corsa's not to mention if they nicked a series2,
Wanna bet? :p:p
;) thers exceptions mate, my first car were a landy and i int had nothing else since,
but am saying bout the chav car theivers that are round ere, they dont even seem to be able to change gear in ther corsa's not to mention if they nicked a series2,

Haha :p

If i can, i will have Land Rovers all my life :) Go in lots of other cars for work and none of them compare to an old land rover :)
Wanna bet? :p:p

Disagree, All you will get is us "youth" ****ed off with the government, and full of aggression. The only way i can see if capital punishment, tougher prisons, the cane being brought back. The "system" is too easy now, they need something to fear.
tis true that.
They do it because they can. If they get caught they get a slap on the wrist or an asbo which they brag about to their mates.Lack of discipline and appropriate punishment is the problem. If you catch them and do anything to them it's you who ends up in trouble because the precious little scrotes had a bad upbringing and have to be indulged. I was never in the army, only the cadets, but I'm sure a dose of National Service would sort the youth of today out.

Its a lack of things to do, boredom and sometimes frustration, but worst of all no deterrant, and no respect for anybody or anything.

We are without doubt loosing control, and the recent incident involving the two youths who wanted to kill the other two for probably fookal other than a cell phone or sumat, is indicitive of what I mean.

I was in the army and I think national service is a good option, three years service if you are unable to get a job within a given time from leaving school, unless you go onto further education. So if you want to fook about at school then you aint gona go into further education and can look forward to military service.
But our modern highly trained professional army doesn't want them, mores the pity.

Well three strikes and we send them for live target practice, or use them for searching for IEDs or mines.

Schools have to change with the times, fokin bored ****less when I was there, we reap what we sow I guess.
David451 for prime minister! I agree. This country spends far too much on wasters when it's the other half of society that puts the money in the pot in the first place.

Bullets are even cheaper!
I will say it again.... National Service will NOT work! They will come back from Iraq or where ever we happen to be following America to, fighting fit and full of anger.... Thus worse and more dangerous than when they went. What we need is tougher prisons, the cane being brought back to teach people respect at a young age and capital punishment.
oh yes it will - send em out as cannon fodder - the few that come back will have summat to think about.

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