hangon a minute...there is no need for that..S71 is no more miserable than some of the others on here :rolleyes: :D

We should start a miserable/grumpy git section:D,

disco2shaun you do know what Series71's job used to be don't ya:doh:
i use 3 forums and if you had an ounce of intelligence you'd realise i'm winding you up you cock sucking sister molesting inbred turd......how long have you been on lz....2 ****ing minutes you bell end :doh::doh::doh::doh:

Tell somebody who gives a ****
i use 3 forums and if you had an ounce of intelligence you'd realise i'm winding you up you cock sucking sister molesting inbred turd......how long have you been on lz....2 ****ing minutes you bell end :doh::doh::doh::doh:

you forgot to include syphilis clapp,ridden,cheesey
Tell somebody who gives a ****

calm down calm down i'm sure someone on the forum will tell you what a nice person you are very soon and that you need time to acclimatize to the nasty people that frequent this awful ruffians forum.....either that or develop a sense of humour before you type complete ****e :D:D:D:D
fook me I could make a fortune in here anyone wanna buy some new dummies??you all seem to have spit your's out? :D

FFS don't pick em up off the floor ya don't know what ratty & Si get up to in when there's no fooker about :eek:

And S71 has got a point. this thread has gotta be in the running for ****wit poster of the month award..
Someone find out where he lives and take him home please. A village without it's idiot is no village at all :D
sense of humour?? im ****ing me sen. ok ok my post was maybe a bit frikkin stupid.

c'mon let it rip i can take it on the chin:D
**** me I aint been on ere fer weeks and the first time i come on i gets abused :D:D:D:D i'm not coming back to this forum ever ever ever ever :D

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