we had a guy come to work the other day, and fitted a tracker to a etype we have just rebuilt, he fitted it so it was easy to get at :eek: he put it behind the speedo gauge ...... :confused: said if we have a problem with it, we wont have to strip the whole interior out to get at it...:eek:

Cheers for that I've been after an e type for a while. Can you send me the post code so I can get it tonight?:lol:

Mine is very secure as its on axial stands witn no wheels on it, so might make a bit of noise being towed away. Problem is with a tracker it's a precaution not a deteriant unlike a disklock, I think am going to get a safetpedal lock and disklock for mine, as it was in the local paper recently about high theft of defenders in the area lately.
On deterrents:

Naturally, we've been discussing this over on Landywatch.

Apart from the usual covert measures that ought not be discussed in public, there are overt measures that can deter - and these save on damaged doorlocks/windows/steering locks/ignition wiring etc.

I park in my drive, between two walls. I go in forwards (so it would have to be reversed out - they managed last time, but bounced off the wall). I park it at a sharp angle, then lock the wheels over the other way, so that if someone tries to tow it, it will drag into the wall.
I have the front NS indicator about 2inches from the garage door (for those who have had TD5s nicked, you'll probably know why) - this has the added benefit that the garage is impossible to break into without moving the vehicle.
I then stick on the ShireFabrications pedal plate - very easy to fit, blanks off all the pedals.
I then put the wife's car across the end of the drive - so it would not be easy to position a tow vehicle with a clear run for the cable.

Finally, I make sure none of the keys (for both cars!)are on the table, in the drawer nearest the door (or even in that room).

Now, actually, all this only takes about 4 mins in total. But unlike some measures, it should take some effort and noise to get past each stage.
Of course, it all hinges on the keys being unavailable; if they burgle for these, they have to be time-consuming to find.

In the morning, if actually only takes me about 3 mins to get the vehicle out.
regards all
They are stolen due to the value / ease ratio - Do you know of any other "common" vehicle that's worth £10k and so easy to steal?
What he said! Bloody PITA deciding what to go for tbh.

Even then i have a feeling that physical deterrent is money better spent than a Tracking device. ie if you do not deter then the car gets nicked tracker or no tracker. if you have a tracker then it might work out and you might get it back. but its still been nicked in the first place. at least physical deterrent attempts to stop the theft even taking place, which saves a load of hassle....
Do not agree with you Mr N. But then you wouldn't expect me to!
this is a sad situation when we are going to these lengths to protect our vehicles. i live in a known and particually bad area for land rover thievs! mine was broken in to in the last couple of weeks and its made me very paranoid about security. i have a top clifford alarm and immobalisor fitted but i have now ordered disklok, and going to be ordering pedal box aswell! just to slow them down, if they want it they'll have it as the sayin goes. also just spent fifty quid on locking nuts!
this is a sad situation when we are going to these lengths to protect our vehicles. i live in a known and particually bad area for land rover thievs! mine was broken in to in the last couple of weeks and its made me very paranoid about security. i have a top clifford alarm and immobalisor fitted but i have now ordered disklok, and going to be ordering pedal box aswell! just to slow them down, if they want it they'll have it as the sayin goes. also just spent fifty quid on locking nuts!

If you really want to stop them... get a ground anchor with a couple of fat high strength steel chains wrapped around the axle.


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