influx of eastern europeans with means to transport them and parts back to their own country where they are worth a fortune. maybe just a coincidence.

Whole heartey agree. Eastern Europeans have come to UK to rinse us dry, and some of them steal our goods and send them back in their trucks.

It's an absolute joke what's going down in this country.

European union? No, **** off.

We built this country, if we want to be lazy fine, but don't come over here cos you can and steal all the **** we work hard and well for.


And no I am NOT generalising to all Eastern European folk, but they're all coming here for one reason another and it ain't charity work.
that would, indeed, be a generalisation then:doh:

I'm not generalising that all eastern Europeans are coming here to steal cars, but they are all coming here for one reason or another, and as above, it's not to help us out.

Thanks for reminding me to explain that!
I'm not generalising that all eastern Europeans are coming here to steal cars, but they are all coming here for one reason or another, and as above, it's not to help us out.

Thanks for reminding me to explain that!

well said there were some figures some where, ref. the workers on the olympic village and that implied they wernt all by a long shot uk born and bred.
Works a bit low in the building trade so perhaps they are all going home in a defender apiece.
what makes you think a tracker will be any good???

when for £40ish you can buy a jammer on ebay??

re eastern euro workers..we work on olympics,our excavators etc are on there..and yes i would say 50% are from eastern europe,10-20% far ireland and uk..

hardest working eastern educated etc eastern road sweeper driver (lets call him r.).is fully qualified computer programmer, another z speaks 5 languages..i can go on...ALL of them working with us,just **** over our home breed workers....sad but true...oh far east workers= waste of space,they cant even speak english...unlike the polish/lithuanian etc who all speak and spell better than me..(english born to english parents,grammer educated etc)

NOW they all blame the albianians and romanians for the crime over here..
I have worked with the polish and you are right they will outwork us 1hr before the start and hr after and all weekend if you let em.because they want to make money quick,our guys want to make a living while having a life and spend time with family.
i've worked with poles who had a sideline in transporting our cars over to poland. i know they are doing it.
I have worked with the polish and you are right they will outwork us 1hr before the start and hr after and all weekend if you let em.because they want to make money quick,our guys want to make a living while having a life and spend time with family.

Some work hard, we had a group of labourers walk off site yesterday because it was "too cold" yet everyone else managed fine.

Is there a similar problem with discos being stolen? I'm paranoid about mine going missing, going to sort some security this weekend though.
Who ever is stealing the defenders, it isn't petty criminals taking them on the off chance of being able to strip them and sell a few parts on ebay, the sheer volume of cars going missing points to an organised group or groups stealing them to order and exporting them, probably either to Africa of Eastern Europe.

The people doing the actual stealing will be petty criminals and druggies, they'll be getting paid a couple of hundred quid or whatever for every vehicle they deliver, if the police caught any of them there'd be plenty more to take their place, it's the next ones up the chain that want catching. Pure speculation on my part but I'd imagine that whoever is doing it probably has some sort of legitimate export business running along side to act as a cover and to launder the money.
Some work hard, we had a group of labourers walk off site yesterday because it was "too cold" yet everyone else managed fine.

Is there a similar problem with discos being stolen? I'm paranoid about mine going missing, going to sort some security this weekend though.

Yes a few disco's have been nicked aswell but perhaps not the same gangs
this makes me really glad my old lady is not in the UK anymore, a 17000 mile 2 owner from new series 2a very tempting but she has a few nasty tricks up her sleeve as does all my land rovers that are never locked and my 2a currently has no door tops due to rust bug number 1 nasty trick - Sonia my overgrown pushover she is protective of my land rovers because she likes to sleep in them number 2 nasty trick dead man switch hidden then in line starter motor switch hidden number 3 nasty trick big chain going through the front wheels (all either on mods or disco rims) and covered in dirt or snow) every one in the village knows my motors so good luck to anyone
In the North West there is still about one defender stolen each night. Any info on where they are going call crime stoppers or pm me direct. (I'm a cop on the north west motorway police group)
In the North West there is still about one defender stolen each night. Any info on where they are going call crime stoppers or pm me direct. (I'm a cop on the north west motorway police group)

Good to have you on board mate.

Are there any top tips for the prevention of defender theft, going on your own experience?

In the North West there is still about one defender stolen each night. Any info on where they are going call crime stoppers or pm me direct. (I'm a cop on the north west motorway police group)

there cant be many left!! :eek:
No no no no they are still in existence just in different countries,with different owners,or in bits waiting for someone to buy em and put em back together.

Didn't some survey say 90% of all landrovers ever built were still on the road it didn't say in the same guise.
What's the feeling on trackers. Have two family members in the police force and they say the 'nick to order brigade are bringing GPS jammers on the job which can be bought on line if you google it'.....
What's the feeling on trackers. Have two family members in the police force and they say the 'nick to order brigade are bringing GPS jammers on the job which can be bought on line if you google it'.....

Proper 'tracker' uses a VHF signal aswell, which is good :)
To be honest there are few different threads on trackers, their pros and cons and so on. It is a huge subject in its own right.
To be honest there are few different threads on trackers, their pros and cons and so on. It is a huge subject in its own right.

What he said! Bloody PITA deciding what to go for tbh.

Even then i have a feeling that physical deterrent is money better spent than a Tracking device. ie if you do not deter then the car gets nicked tracker or no tracker. if you have a tracker then it might work out and you might get it back. but its still been nicked in the first place. at least physical deterrent attempts to stop the theft even taking place, which saves a load of hassle....
we had a guy come to work the other day, and fitted a tracker to a etype we have just rebuilt, he fitted it so it was easy to get at :eek: he put it behind the speedo gauge ...... :confused: said if we have a problem with it, we wont have to strip the whole interior out to get at it...:eek:

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