Piccies :D:D


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Some piccies from about 7.30 this morning, just after the snow got cleared off the plastic rat. Bloody blackbirds are tame round ere!



Beds/Cams border...woke up with about 4" on the drive and about 5"-6" on the bonnet. Left the Zafira at home and took the Disco to work. 1500-1750 rpm all the way (25 miles)...even treated myself to a power slide in the carpark when I got here
About 4-5" in Colchester, a bit more at work in Ipswich


About 20mph most of the way on the A137 (some silly sod got it wrong on the A12). Half way up some silly bint in a Golf pulled out and was sat at 5-10mph until we could pass her:mad:
gorra bout inch n arf **** !

Forgotten where yer are fer a mo ave yer ???:D:D:D

Been drivin round Callington today where the roads are like a skating rink, nearly came a cropper down a steepish hill and had to tow an old lady up a hill, the landy saved the day coz it was our works do and we'd never have got there without it!!!

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