I'm coming to LZ11 and would like to come laning on...

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Well I'll make sure to stock up on some cake then :cool:

My worry is always less about getting stuck, more like breaking something that can't be fixed easy lol but I look forward to trying it out.
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Done a land rover experience day today and I cannot wait to go laning! Learnt some interesting stuff and also squeaked a few times.
great day out
Don't forget to email me the route, mmo or gpx format is best but whatever you have, gps babel usually sorts it well enough .. ;)
Don't forget to email me the route, mmo or gpx format is best but whatever you have, gps babel usually sorts it well enough .. ;)

got to check some routes again on 1st May as they had TROs on them, Have told HideeHi (my sis) to send them to you when she has them :)
No worries. She asked for last years routes so I asked to pm me back an email, (LZ doesn't pm attachments) but she didn't reply .. ;)
we need some more people to lead groups, please bring mm if you have one. have we any volunteer's to help out ?
As I presume we are going Laning on the Saturday (especially as the off road P&P is Sunday (I don't mind leading a group to that did make a post on it a while ago) what time do you plan on the groups leaving? Reason for asking as I will now likely be coming on the Saturday morning not the Friday night and don't want to miss out!

As I presume we are going Laning on the Saturday (especially as the off road P&P is Sunday (I don't mind leading a group to that did make a post on it a while ago) what time do you plan on the groups leaving? Reason for asking as I will now likely be coming on the Saturday morning not the Friday night and don't want to miss out!


Laning from 2pm sat, 11am Sunday.

Pm johnnew with your offer of leading, there's so many threads and posts to try and keep track of
Laning from 2pm sat, 11am Sunday.

Pm johnnew with your offer of leading, there's so many threads and posts to try and keep track of

Sure thing. That sounds good time wise. I have to ask though, will there be a notice board of sorts this year because last year I felt like a lost child asking around what the fook was happening :p

As a suggestion, a list is taken of all people going and groups are pre determined and posted on the board on the weekend so that people know where and when to meet for their group. The same for the off road on the Sunday.


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