This might be a viable alternative fro the future:-

WildTracks Offroad Activity Park

and only £6 per car, yes £6 - maybe someone should tell the the Bures peeps.

(Disclaimer - this is not spam before some bugger jumps on me, never been there, don't know them, but will be paying a visit in the warmer months- don't like the cold being as I'm a suvern softee!)
Apparently they charge about £2K a day and the guy who rents it and organises P&P at the moment (Peter Graves?) says it's not viable to do this. This is a fag-end i picked up, so please verify the rumour!

Your right its a fag end

Pay & Play events have allways been run by Pete www. who is running the event on the 16th so any discounts will be thro him & not us.

So just to clear a few things up as it stands at the moment Bures Pit Enterprises :-
Currently have NO events planned as it says on the web site.
Will not be running ANY pay & play days in the near future.
IS undergoing an ongoing tidy-up on site (Visitors on the 16th will see the new entrance/gates)
IS NOT closing down after the 16th.
IS available for private hire, email us to discuss costs.
Err, did we email the Pit or Drive rite, reading the Pits post, irt seems that they wouldn't be the organisor of the event, just rent the use to Driverite for the day. Could be we shoulda contact Driverite for the price...maybe:confused:
Just turn up with banners saying "we is confoosed" and picket till someone gives you a discount
Your right its a fag end

So just to clear a few things up as it stands at the moment Bures Pit Enterprises :-
Currently have NO events planned as it says on the web site.
Will not be running ANY pay & play days in the near future.
IS undergoing an ongoing tidy-up on site (Visitors on the 16th will see the new entrance/gates)
IS NOT closing down after the 16th.
IS available for private hire, email us to discuss costs.

What did I fooking tell yer. The ignorant bastids were quite prepared to ignore your emails (cos there was no profit in replying) but as soon as the threat of a bit of bad publicity rears it's ugly head. Their suddenly available to respond. ****ers.

And don't bother emailing for cost because it'll be a fook of a lot more than you can afford. Which is why they daren't tell you what it'll be in public. Any company that hides it's prices, usually do it cause they're thieving ripoffs. Scrapiron racing are the same as are Mobile Systems Storage.
Oh yes I forgot to add Sirus fishmongering & cod bashers inc, to the list
Apparently they charge about £2K a day and the guy who rents it and organises P&P at the moment (Peter Graves?) says it's not viable to do this. This is a fag-end i picked up, so please verify the rumour!

is that yo answer?

2 grand to private rent - anyone wanna coff up?


I thort not:rolleyes:.
Reet thas 10 grand to advertise on this site then.....please forward it to me before 4pm otherwise i shall be forced to remove your spam.;)
Attn Bures_Pit
There now seems to be a considerable amount of sentiment rallied against you here with a variety of reasons behind it. Regardless of the reason, i'm sure we can resolve these differences and the miscommunications in a mutually benficial manner.

May I suggest, that as you are in the process of re-looking at the pit, you extend this to the layouts and challenges within to ensure that you can attract the maximum number of clients, be it Pay and Play individuls or more corprate clients, all of whom will have variable ability and maybe put off by a balls out experince or board by the lack of it.

I would further suggest, that as a gesture of goodwill and in the spririt of genuine support for our much maligned pastime, that members of this forum are invited along one weekend to help out with the redesign. Between us we represent a wide range of vehicles with drivers of all abilities and would be more than happy to share that knowledge.

You would gain the benfit from our experince of what is a challenge for the differing levels of ability & vehicle, we would benefit from effectively a free weekend play pass and I've no doubt that we would meet up for a few beers down the local on the intervening evening and become freindly aquaitances if not exactly best buddies.

This would cost you nothing except your time, but would generate more positive PR than you could realistically buy.

Attn Forum Members - Don't shout at me please!!
They've got poundsigns in their eyes they ain't gonna see what BandM wrote anyway.

I'll tell you what their business plan is. (to rip people off and charge a fortune) Fook I can almost tell yer how the conversation went. It'll have been summat like this.

Right what are we going to do with this new quarry we've accquired?
well we could turn it into an off road event centre.
great idea, what sort of events?
how about corporate days, you know quad biking and clay shooting and maybe, 4x4 driving courses, like they do now.
I like the corporate events idea we could make a fortune out of those. Now tell me some more about this offroading on a weekend.
Well we charge £20 per day and they come in and drive around all day and then go home, All we have to do is have a few marshalls on and a couple of 4x4's and maybe a tractor to recover anyone who gets too badly stuck.
Mmmh £20 x 100 =£2k but we'd have to pay the marshalls and the cost of the recovery vehicles. No sorry not enough profit in it.
Well what if we leased the site out to someone else and let them have all the hassle and expense.
I like it we'll charge them £2k and if they lose money that's their tough luck.
This might be a viable alternative fro the future:-

WildTracks Offroad Activity Park

and only £6 per car, yes £6 - maybe someone should tell the the Bures peeps.

(Disclaimer - this is not spam before some bugger jumps on me, never been there, don't know them, but will be paying a visit in the warmer months- don't like the cold being as I'm a suvern softee!)
Bad news its 6 quid to get in the park then another 25notes to drive round=31 squid not cheap.
And another thing clearly staes they are the new owners/operators but not with imeadiate effect.I dont think so!
Looks like we have been lead up the garden path here!
Well chaps who wanna go bures this weekend ill email them through the other driverite address and see what they can do.otherwise its full price im afraid but we'll be safe in the knowledge this new lot arent running the show yet.
Your right its a fag end

Pay & Play events have allways been run by Pete www. who is running the event on the 16th so any discounts will be thro him & not us.

So just to clear a few things up as it stands at the moment Bures Pit Enterprises :-
Currently have NO events planned as it says on the web site.
Will not be running ANY pay & play days in the near future.
IS undergoing an ongoing tidy-up on site (Visitors on the 16th will see the new entrance/gates)
IS NOT closing down after the 16th.
IS available for private hire, email us to discuss costs.

Hang on! You said it was a fag end then pretty much verified exactly what i had said! (or did you miss the rest of my post?)
OK guys there is an awful lot of assumption flying around here.
Never in my initial post have I mentioned pay & play days nor does our web site, in fact it states NO events planned. I found this specific thread whilst searching t'internet and chose to respond.
Bures Pit Enterprises have been contacted by several clubs interested in hire of the pit who announced who they were in the email, no email has been received from
I have only been involved in the website & ensuring any of the sites that came back with a Google result of Bures Pit were updated with the correct contact details.
BandM - Thanks for your post certainly some food for thought, I shall pass it on to T&K.
In the meantime I have added this as a subscription topic :)
OK guys there is an awful lot of assumption flying around here.
Never in my initial post have I mentioned pay & play days nor does our web site, in fact it states NO events planned. I found this specific thread whilst searching t'internet and chose to respond.
Bures Pit Enterprises have been contacted by several clubs interested in hire of the pit who announced who they were in the email, no email has been received from
I have only been involved in the website & ensuring any of the sites that came back with a Google result of Bures Pit were updated with the correct contact details.
BandM - Thanks for your post certainly some food for thought, I shall pass it on to T&K.
In the meantime I have added this as a subscription topic :)
You wont recive an email from regarding this matter because the emails you recive from landyzone are only thread updates and notifications.Yoy have received enquires from myself and several other intersted parties-to which there is no reply. Never mind, your loss.Bad business practices happen everyday!
I do not recieve the emails myself, but have I believe just seen your email (Dated 9th March) looking to book for sunday 16th (A Driverite event!) and after a discount?