ive also PMd a few bods who said they were interested
ill update the list if any one gets back to us
we could always blow this out and go round to devils pit instead?What do we think?
Still no response to my emails either.......
yeah i wanna go still but its a bit cheeky to advertise and then not get back to us!Maybe im just being stingy!
just sent them a larky email

(hi a few of the guys from landyzone have emailed you with regard to your post on the forum there is about 8 users looking to come up to you this weekend but you have not replied to the emails this doesnt fair well on the forum and i would suggest you reply to them if you dont want your site tarnished with a bad name for not replying to emails for something simple as a price? )

see what they come back with?
so - Bures pit dont want our business?

it would seem so! but as wangie46 has said its only wednesday, theres 3 days to go yet!
i would have thought as they have just taken over the site they would want all the proceeds they could get!
not replying to emails will just make the likes of us look else where......

i just sent this, see if it earns a reply?

quite a few of us guys want to come play on the above date but we still waiting for a reply to several emails about the price and supposed discount!

http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f12/who-wants-discount-bures-53573.html think there's 8 of us so far, maybe 9 on the day!

if your not open for business would you be kind enough to let one of us know so we can look elsewhere!

Many thanks....

Regards, Mark.
so lads if they dont reply what do yas wnna do? got the sat navs could do some lanes up that way would be a shame to give it a miss with the amount of intrest we have had not only that im iching to get out again
so - Bures pit dont want our business?
Hi, i don't know Bures Pit and i hate to **** on yer chips but i heard a rumour that this weekend, the 16th March, was their last weekend of being open and then they are closing down as it's too expensive to stay open.

At the moment March 16th is the last ever planned p&p day on the site, apparently talks between the new owners and Driverite are continuing...
They've just been taken over by new owners. WHo have advertised that fact on here. But looking at their new website I'd say they're hoping more for the corporate days and offroad training bods. Rather than us common riffraff. Just tell everyone you klnow that the site is closed down for good and isn't reopening. Once that starts getting around I'm sure they'll soon reappear and explain exactly what is going on.
Apparently they charge about £2K a day and the guy who rents it and organises P&P at the moment (Peter Graves?) says it's not viable to do this. This is a fag-end i picked up, so please verify the rumour!
Apparently they charge about £2K a day and the guy who rents it and organises P&P at the moment (Peter Graves?) says it's not viable to do this. This is a fag-end i picked up, so please verify the rumour!

Nah spread the rumour and let the new owners get back to clarify the situation. It'll serve the fookers right for spamming the site. £2 fooking Grand and the tight bastids are spamming forums cos their too tight to pay for proper advertising.