
Active Member
Hi All,

Trying to work out some history on my 1974 series 3. Managed to work out it used to be yellow. Not a stock colour so trying to work out which companies might have used - think AA and British telecom but anybody know anything more about this colour? Possibility military as have had a lead that the car may have been in Gibraltar. Thanks.

I had a series three that was originally yellow. It had spent the first 20 years of it's life on Bristol airport.
I’ve thrown £43 at a heritage certificate so I’ll find out the original recipient of the new vehicle and can trace from there. Will keep you updated. Maybe it is banana man after all….?
Might be! I got mine from a banana farmer on Tenerife when we lived over there....kind of a Mr Majestik character!

Its now back to bronze green

Good luck!
The RAF used yellow land rovers, they didn't like aircraft landing on them.
This one's ex RAF..

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