oh well ull get ova it ! cant help bein girly and wantin a pink landy u shouldnt talk like a bloke n i wouldnt get the wrong end of the stick told u i was blonde lol ladys dont do butch talk do they ????

Generally peoples avatars reflect the person. Yours certainly does.
oh well ull get ova it ! cant help bein girly and wantin a pink landy u shouldnt talk like a bloke n i wouldnt get the wrong end of the stick told u i was blonde lol ladys dont do butch talk do they ????

i think you mean ladies.....and no they dont.......however we only confess to being women so **** off you dumb ho!

and if you couldnt work out minty was a bird from her avatar then your really do need a check up from the neck up!
are you sure its not a gaylander you have got instead of a disco cos i dont think you would be able to tell the difference..

Are you a hairdresser?

not a hairdresser im a breaker n schooler of mad horses n yes i no the diffrence hunny
i think you mean ladies.....and no they dont.......however we only confess to being women so **** off you dumb ho!

and if you couldnt work out minty was a bird from her avatar then your really do need a check up from the neck up!

didnt look to b honest n didnt think it was a women cuz she was so offensive

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