Im with your hubby on this one.... its a landrover... rough, ready for any challenge, if you want barbie pink.. by a beetle with fluffy pink dice and seat covers, and let the hubby have the disco. :)

sorry dont do beetles or anyother go- karts whats wrong with a pink landy and pink accessories like i say think i jus wanna prove a point that blondes can drive on and off road lol
sorry dont do beetles or anyother go- karts whats wrong with a pink landy and pink accessories like i say think i jus wanna prove a point that blondes can drive on and off road lol

prove a point of blondes can off road .. wont a video on you tube do that?? landrovers are rough and ready for anythin, you like the disco because.... it goes where no other car goes.. well ffs give it some respect and paint the fooker to show that it can go anywhere and not like a fookin chavved up piece of ****e. :(
Why does a PINK landy have to show that you have balls inside :confused:

i will put me on you tube no problem!!! i jus want a nice girly landy instead of boring green i no how to handle my landy off road as for pink landy havin balls it means we both girly and good lookin on outside but on the inside we will tackle anythin with balls
i will put me on you tube no problem!!! i jus want a nice girly landy instead of boring green i no how to handle my landy off road as for pink landy havin balls it means we both girly and good lookin on outside but on the inside we will tackle anythin with balls

A pink landy has no more balls than a green one.

Good lookin on the outside.. how the fook you figure that :rolleyes:

On the inside you will tackle anythin with balls.... if your landy is fit for that yes, paintin the fooker PINK is not the same as go faster stripes ya know :rolleyes:


or you could just paint it
i want to spray my disco barbie pink so bad!!!! but my pajero loving hubby is so against it.i just think it would be nice to show men that lady's can drive to lol green just int my colour!!! how can i persuade him ??????

i can and i no it wont make no difference but its mine n i want it pink :p:p

ffs wee don'arf bite easily :rolleyes:

the OP asks how "she" can persuade "her hubby" to let her have a barbie pink Disco. Yu all say "dont do it" and she dont like the answer, so why the fook ask the Q if yu wont accept the responses.

Just do what yu want and we can all go back to sleep without thinking about your stoopid ideas :mad:
you could always get go faster stripes on it in diamonte. That should help it go faster for sure.

she dont want it to go faster she wants it to prove it can off road...

and havin a pink disco and bein a blonde female is sure to prove that :rolleyes:

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