Hope it goes really well, and enough bums on pews to cover costs. I really do think a southern event would be well supported if it ever did come to pass, I know several down here who would be up for it, but just cant face a trip to Leics.
We had long hard discussions about locations ....because members come from all over the UK ...it was an impossibility to try to accommodate everyone. A central England location appeared to be a good necessary compromise.
The difficulty with regional venues are the numbers game. ...whilst lots of people down sarf might attend ...you would exclude the people from anywhere north of the Midlands. Im sure if the numbers made it a financially viable option then it'd be considered.
Can't reiterate enough beasty's comments about the stonking loss we made last year. This event has to be self funding for it to continue...if people don't show up in numbers it just won't happen. ...it can't.
We have to have a reasonable indication of ticket sales as early as possible to know that the event is viable. I appreciate that people often don't or can't commit to a weekend too far in advance but my concern is that if numbers of tickets sold don't cover our big costs which have to be committed to six weeks or so in advance ...then we might have to say its too big a financial risk for accy and roy to carry and it might be called off.
I soooooo hope that people rally behind this event. ....it was cracking last year and this year aims to be better.