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hi ive got a r/r classic 3.5v8 se 1989 .im waiting for a re-quote from flux as they say if im put on classic insurance i dont get the option of driving a friends motor. normal internet price has come bk with that option fully comp 277.00. has any one got this cheaper with the option of driving other peoples motor.
Try another landy specialist insurance Lancaster ,liverigde,me I with flux cos they gave me best quote for my heavily modified 3.9 v8 good luck matey
hi ive got a r/r classic 3.5v8 se 1989 .im waiting for a re-quote from flux as they say if im put on classic insurance i dont get the option of driving a friends motor.

Common to lose this concession with classic ins. status, also these policies don't usually have a NCB facility either so my other half & I alternate as policy holder on our daily drive in order to maintain my own NCB. I have a classic policy for my RRC, a lot cheaper than your quote, but then I am probably a lot older than you :(
hi ive got a r/r classic 3.5v8 se 1989 .im waiting for a re-quote from flux as they say if im put on classic insurance i dont get the option of driving a friends motor. normal internet price has come bk with that option fully comp 277.00. has any one got this cheaper with the option of driving other peoples motor.

If you wanted to PM me your details I'll chase this up for you?

If you wanted to PM me your details I'll chase this up for you?

hi jordan just got back to me withy this quote which i think is good.£255.76 fullycomp plus i can tow a trailer and it covers me to drive other peoples cars. plus legal cover and window cover. i dont think she gave me landyzone discount. refrence is 07613300 regards paul
Local broker does for me. Compare meerkat and beat him over the head with it if cheaper. Know others with NFU but never been keen enough 4 me.

For these people to earn their brokerage, I make sure i never fill in a form and I can visit them face to face if any problems or need to supply licence etc.
This counts for a lot for an old git like me who wants good old traditional service.
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who is that with peter.see i use to get on my old one for about 140 but they would not give me the option to driver other peoples cars. who is yours with
It swaps from flux to some of the other brokers mentioned earlier every other year. Flux are often good first year then Almost double on the renewal. Lots of work getting quotes but lots of was still in my pocket. If only flux valued customer retention they would have continuous business from me on the 3 ranges I own.
If only flux valued customer retention they would have continuous business from me on the 3 ranges I own.

Same old story with almost every institution, new customers get the deals & the regulars are treated as dross. I have to say that I don't need to shop around (so far!) for my classic cover as my renewals have not increased since I took out cover three years ago, plus they agreed a 1k increase in my agreed value this year.
I was with Lancaster for my softdash, but they made such a pigs ear of it that I went to Swinton next. £146, and that's with LPG, plus only a couple of years NCB as it is my third vehicle.

Lancaster said they would match, but I wanted to get away from them.
Other cars are with Aviva and Post Office - always put the rates up, and always back down when I tell them prices elsewhere.
i got a good deal now from flux. fully comp drive other peoples car third party. tow a trailer. courtesy cover total on me classic 216.00 all in
I insured with Adrian Flux last year for £260 odd, renewal last month came in at £313 with no change in cirumstances - not happy, went on comparison site and got a price of £194 for virtually identical cover, XS etc. Told AF and they came back with £190.

Different comparison site threw up Hastings Direct (who we're with for the other car) @ £163 (+ a meerkat toy) again, for virtually identical cover, XS etc..

Again, told AF and they came back with £160!!! just fractionally over half their first offering! They really do rely on customer inertia - I suppose if people are daft enough to pay it . . .

It really pays to shop around and haggle, they all claim there's no profit in motor insurance, but they're all fighting like rats in a sack for the business.

well i had qoute off comparision sites and cheapest i got was 255 so i then went to flux direct and got it for 216.its real strange how it 47 and over 9+ no claims.
I'm 47 too and found it helps if you can limit your annual mileage, I went for a limit of 4000 and fully comp, some business use and driving other cars for the horrendous price of £156.88
I'm 47 too and found it helps if you can limit your annual mileage, I went for a limit of 4000 and fully comp, some business use and driving other cars for the horrendous price of £156.88

I got even better quote for 10000 miles. Broker said under 5k policies are viewed as not being familiar enough with driving the car by some insurers

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