
New Member
So what mag/s do you get and why those ones??
I get LR world, because i won the subsciption at a charity auction and find it OK.
I used to get whitchever looked like it had articles i was interested in:D
I buy them all because there isn't one of them that has got more than a weeks worth of toilet reading. If I didn't have to **** I probably wouldn't buy any of them.
buy! buy!
i just read them in the shops, it dunt take long.. sometimes when i get home i find a page wiff an advert ringed in ma pocket
Yeah, I tend to buy them all for the same moving reasons as Sheddy.

One has got much better & more overland articles than the others, LRM I think, though I couldn't be sure. Only one I think is a bit crap (but I still end up buying it even tho' each month I say I won't bother) is Land Rover Enthusiast, always strikes me it's a bit 'cobbled' together.
Don't buy any 'cos I'm poor. Do occasionally look at them in Smiths and don't reckon owt to any of 'em, they're typical of modern journalism where the writers just waffle and don't put over anything constructive. Take the articles in Land Rover International that they call product tests, they just print a load of pictures of the product, tell you who makes them and bugger all else, total waste of tree. The Greenlane revues can be slightly useful, but I don't realy agree with publishing them because of the extra interest they could invite.
I get LRM from time to time as it has some good items in occasionally. I'm with Sheddy on the toilet reading material though ;)
We ger LRE through the post cos if you subscribed you got to camp at Billing cheaper last year (wont be renewing cos we dont want to go to Billing again) and also LRO for the technical stuff although that is going down hill too:( I occasionally buy the others if there is something interesting on the front cover that catches my eye.......... but TOR a couple of times but not really my cup of tea:D
i dunt bother, i borrow lro now and then off a mate that subcribes, but i really think it should be called "scorpion advertising dept". load o ****e to be honest ;)
We ger LRE through the post...wont be renewing cos we dont want to go to Billing again

Neither do LRE :D :D :D :D

LRE is a load of old tosh.
LRW is OK if you like fixing series stuff - I don't
LRO is lazy, but I buy it occasionally
TOR is TOtal Rubbish

Only one I like is LRM cos a few nice people I know work work on it. Plus, as mentioned above the overland stuff is good.

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