
Hi guys

My freelander since i brought it nearly a year and a half ago has been fine.. It seems lacking a bit in power after a fair amount of reading on here I assumed that it was simply down to a maf (which I haven't had the cash to change yet). A few months ago I noticed it has a reluctance to rev when first started for 5 mins or so (I assumed it was some kinda computer thingy to stop you over stressing the engine when first started). When I asked the misses to start it up for me the other day and she started it and tried to rev it to warm it up and get the heating going I noticed white smoke coming from the exhaust and upon instructing her to try and keep it at a steady rev (about 3000) it was acting lump to the constant same revs. To me sound like a possible head gasket or seal of some kind.... Just wondering if this has been experienced before.

P.S. tried searching but didn't turn up anything relevant

Thanks in advance


Edit: Its a TD4 by the way....
Ow and Ive noticed a little oil in the pipes to and from the EGR but I read some where this is normal?????
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Nope Td4

on the upside that million dollars might come close to paying the bill; :)
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Nope Td4

on the upside that million dollars might come close to paying the bill; :)
to prove the MAF just dissconect it [if perfomance improves then its the MAF] ALSO CHECK YOUR THREE INDUCTION RUBBERS FOR ANY SPLITS [THE LARGE ONES]. . . . . .OOPS CAPS ON :)
excuse my ignorance mighty ming...
Wheres the induction rubber????

Possible the smokes down to the maf then??
Thanks for the help
excuse my ignorance mighty ming...
Wheres the induction rubber????

Possible the smokes down to the maf then??
Thanks for the help
lift up bonnet look to left[after taking orft engine cowell] big black rubber tube. . . . .look right [nuffer wun] under that is [nuffer wun] normally the lh wun is first to go , any micro hole will cause a problem ,so if thats the problem change it :)
possible another sympton when changing gear theres a jerk/jummp from the car.. Might be related or might be a clutch but not sure if this is relevant

Ow and its a manual by the way

Many thanks
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