
New Member
Ok. So my ex decided to drive my land rover to llandudno and back and up a very steep incline. He also decided that 80mph was a nice speed. Since iv got the landy back its been whining like crazy and the gearbox has been clunking as iv been changing gear. Also the gearstick is vibrating so much you can barely read the numbers. Could it be something simple or something expensive as iv just spent £500 getting back on the road and really cant afford anything else and i go on holiday in 4 weeks!
Checked the props tuessay and they seemed ok. The diff were ok too. Not checked gearbox levels yet but only had it fixed a few weeks ago so guess they will have filled it back up. Will double check in the morning.
I does sound like Propshaft UJ or Transfer box tell the BF he broke it he pays for it..
condition of oil as well as lack can help diagnose as can areas of fresh leaks ie bearing failing lets chafts move in seals
When i lift off the accelerator the noise carries on. Just changes pitch as it slows down. Stops when i press the clutch to change gear but even when not moving you can still hear it very slight.
Checked in netural and still makes noise and checked when accelerating in neutral with clutch pressed and still makes the noise. Gets louder and speeds up the nore i accelerate.
He didnt do 80 in low range :p he was doing 80 all the way to llandudno and back and put it in low range and still kept wheel spinning as he stopped half way up a steep incline. She is getting on abit and shouldmt be pushed to such limits :p

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